Holy Mission

Mud : Holy Mission - Remains from the Past

Code Base : [LP] HerpModifications

Telnet : wildsau.enemy.org 2001 []

WWW : http://

Description :

Shattered by a war between creators of the highest ranks and the

following tyrannie of those who'd won turned the once living place

into a cold and desolated void.

Back in 93 when the 'linzer' admins led by patience moved on to

create a new world based upon a updated mudlib, holy mission was

given to a couple of Archwizards who choosed to stay. In those

days, the world was highly populated and easily reached the cap of

60 simultaneous players. Packed with many guilds, some of them

hidden and very restricted, quests, legendary monsters and a broad

community from all walks of life and nations made this game fun to


But that was not to be meant for long. One amongs the ranks of the

creators, he and his friends did all he could do to destroy, what

other wizards and players had created. Holy Mission fell and when

no living thing crawled over the damned world anymore, even he

went on.

Today a few fans are working on this old piece to give old players

the chance to return and remember and to give new players the

chance to see how a mud looked like back in 1991. Holy Mission is

nothing compared to modern muds like Achaea or BatMud, but its an

original with a out-of-the box village from 2.4.5 lib and

padrone's castle.

Kiri of Holy Mission - Remains from the Past