Siegmund Silbermann


On the basis of the register of Jews living in County Pless it is herewith certified that to the --- (illegible) Abraham Silbermann and his wife Lore nee Loebel from Kopcziowitz on the 18 (eighteenth) July 1845 (eightennhundredfortyfive) a son was born who received the first name Siegmund.

Pless March 27, 1917

the Royal Landrat (title) J.V.

[This birth certificate was copied in 1917 from the old "Register of Jews"]

Dad's Memoirs:

The second recollection belongs into the following year (1919) My paternal grandfather had taken me out for a walk. People were milling about in the street quite close to our house. They were watching a band of ragged-looking soldiers marching down the street. They had rifles slung over their shoulders with muzzles pointing to the ground, not up as I had seen soldiers carry their rifles on other occasions. My grandfather told me that these were “Spartakisten" (members of the extremist left Spartacus organization). At my age - 4 years - I had obviously no knowledge of politics and. so for some time thereafter " Spartakisten " were men with rifles slung upside down - a notion which would have jolted Karl Liebknecht, the famous German socialist and founder of the Spartacus League. A few months later, in July 1919, while we were vacationing in the mountains not far from Breslau, my grandfather died suddenly. I have a very hazy recollection of my father leaving us in the resort while he returned hone for the funeral. If I remember right, grandfather died in a summer resort. Somehow I overheard that he had fallen off a kitchen chair and confusing cause and effect I developed respect for kitchen chairs and even feared their power. I was 4 years old when he died, and my memories are very dim. He must have stayed with us for a while, but I think that he had a room or small apartment somewhere else in Breslau. I seem to recall that he was very fond of stuffed cabbage ( which I dislike ) and did not care for potatoes. I never knew my paternal grandmother [1] who had died in 1902, long before my parents' marriage. She had the reputation of a Saint in the family, and I have been told that my father was very close to her. My grandfather was retired by the time I knew him. I am not quite sure what he had done for a living, but seem to remember that he sold mirrors, but he is referred to as bookseller[2] in the document.

From Deutscher Reichsanzeiger June 23, 1869

Royal district council at Cosel

In our company register under number 64 is entered:

Column 2. Book dealer Siegmund Silbermann.

Column 3. Cosel.

Column 4. B. Wichura et Comp. (S. Silbermann.)

Column 5. Entered according to release dated June 18, 1869 on June 19, 1869. Usten über das Firmenregister Volume IV page 164.

From Deutscher Reichsanzeiger Jan. 30, 1895

removed from firm register in Cosel

number 66 the firm S. Silbermann 28 December 1894


  1. Coelestine Silbermann nee Bartenstein. According to JRI-Poland information, she was born October 30, 1839 in Raciborz to Samuel Bartenstein (a "Pferdehändler" -- horse trader) and Charlotte nee Sonnenfeld.

  2. Haven't found the document that Dad refers to, but I did find the notices above in the Reichsanzeiger newspaper. The first clearly identifies him as a bookdealer. The latter just indicates that a business was removed; presumably the same one, as I haven't found another listing inbetween 1869 and 1895.