Rachel's Clickable Links

Only post 1 tiny url at a time. Once that one is complete, remove the link, and post another.

Otherwise the wall gets cluttered, and no one knows which ones are still valid. YOU are responsible for removing your links.

Once a friend clicks on your link, that same friend cannot click again for 24 hours. So vary your links throughout the day for best results

Please stick to GROUPS or PRIVATE MESSAGES for posting your tiny url link.. We don't want our last helps to be taken away. If you do not belong to a group, try a PM group.

For example, begin a message to 10 good cafe friends.. and you all can use it to post to each other. Make sure you delete your link when done!

Here's the link

Clickable Links Server 1

Clickable Links Server 2

there are many link groups on facebook - a few of them haunt the facebook page for this site. Check there if you don't have one!
