Access many ZMCs in same browser


I'm always looking for ways to help us play the game more effectively (i.e. faster.. lol) And a friend Brooke sent in this tip! You can access your 2nd account on SAME browser as first, without logging out of facebook on YOUR account, or into facebook on theirs! Confusing? Here's an example: I need parts for me, Julie, so I send them to my 2 kids' accounts - Rachel and her brother Tim. Once I have sent the requests using the ASK or BUILD or CATERING or CREW... I can now use this new method to click on the bookmark I made for THEIR OLD ZMC and it opens in new tab, and I accept all my requests, and go back to my game. I never have to open a 2nd browser, log in on them, or anything else. Just click my bookmark!

The ONLY downside to this is you MUST make a bookmark for YOUR zmc as well, or the browser will default to the one you created. So make a bookmark for YOURS, and EACH of your 2nd accounts.

Now I'm going to walk you through how to do this. It is very difficult.. but YOU ONLY HAVE TO DO IT ONE TIME FOR EACH ACCOUNT YOU USE!!!!

There are only TWO things you need - a signed request from your game - and the link provided below. This step-by-step guide will help you get those.

Note: If you already know HOW to find your signed request, you can skip to step 5.



Note: this will NOT work with buildable parts. Those must be accepted in a DIFFERENT BROWSER. This will work with Ask, Send, Catering, and all Crews. Just not Buildable.

1. First, we need to find your signed request. Do your MAIN account first, then come back and re-do all of these steps for each of your alternates.

So, your first step, you need to OPEN NOTEPAD on your computer. Have it ready - we will use it later.

2. Now, Go into your game, and open ANY BUILDABLE or any quest - we need an ASK button. Find an ASK and click on it.

3. Once you click on the ASK it will open to your friends list like normal

Right Click UNDERNEATH the words "you haven't selected anyone" on that window, then left click on "view frame source"

4. You will see a scary window pop open with a bunch of code and gibberish. On this page I want you to hit your Ctrl key plus the F key to open the FIND box,

then in the FIND box type in


with no spaces or any other punctuation, and let the computer find that phrase for you

see pic:

5. Now, you need to highlight and copy the entire signed request to the end of the quotation marks, right before access token in the example above.

If you end up highlighting and copying too much, we will fix it later. (I highlighted too much in my example.. i fixed it later :))

6. Paste that information in your open notepad. If your notepad has one long line instead of many, click on format, then click on word wrap

in the notepad window, and it will make it look like this:

7. Now, on that notepad window, click on the end of what you pasted, and hit enter 5 times to move down to a new spot... then copy and paste THIS line where your cursor is...

Note: because of a change on z's servers this line is different than the pics - but use this line anyway!!!

Your notepad will now look like this:

8. Now, hightlight and copy JUST the signed request between the first quote and its ending quote

9. Click on the end of the link you added earlier so that the cursor moves to there.. then right click and PASTE your signed request.

10. NOW you have a permanent link to this ZMC without logging into facebook! Copy your NEW LINK and paste in a new tab on your favorite browser.

11. Once your zmc pops up, bookmark this ZMC and label it. Do this for your main account and EACH alternate account.

Then you will never have to log into them again!

12. Once you have your main account bookmarked, close notepad, and say NO to saving changes.. then log into one of

your alternate accounts and begin at step 1 again, by opening notepad. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

This is most useful if you have your very own spice crew - 6 other accounts.

example: I (julie) need a new crew so I send crew requests to 4 accounts (using comma between each ID) for the audience, and then to another 2 for producer..

and I have all 6 of those bookmarked ZMC on my computer. So I can click on Rachel, Tim, Bubba, Joe, Fred and Betty.. one at a time.. accept

the crew request, without ever closing my game, or loading up all 6 people on facebook, and then I refresh my game, use up the crew,

and go again!