Easy Buildables


So I've been cracking the whip, and we have a new method to work the buildables. I works very similar, but is a bit easier to navigate!

First, make sure you are logged into facebook on the account that NEEDS the parts, and cafe world is open. Then, in the same browser, go to the new help page:

Easy Buildables - Server 1

Easy Buildables - Server 2

When you arrive at the help page, first search for your build. For example if you are currently working on Thai Travelogue, type in Thai

Or the beginning of the build if you know it.. for example, Exploring..

NOTE: I only put the last several months in this new help. Most of the old ones have expired. If you cannot find one here you need,

check to see if its on the original buildable help page, and use it there. This will be updated moving forward.

Then choose the exact build you are working on if there is more than one.

Once you select the Buildable, you will be taken to the parts page.

Enter YOUR user ID in the FROM box (request for parts is coming FROM you) and your other accounts id in TO box.

Remember to use commas between USER id, but no spaces!

i.e. 12345,98765,38383838383,9999999

Then choose the stage number you are on by selecting one of the radio buttons in the stage column,

then click on the part you need. Each click sends ONE request to the ids in the TO box. If you need 4 of one part, and you have 4 ids in the TO box,

then just click the part name that you need ONCE. If you only have ONE ID in the TO box (one alternate account) then click the name of the part 4 times.

Each time you click it will open a new tab which will complete the request for you. You MUST CLOSE the tabs yourself. There is no auto-close on this method.

There is NO TIMER. You may click the part button as quickly as you wish. AND then click the next part you need too. Send all 6 parts at once before changing the stage

by clicking a new radio button next to the next stage. (don't forget to accept that level before you move on!)

If you hold down the CTRL key before you click, you will stay on the current page while your new tabs open in the background!

For best results - give each tab a chance to load the cafe world icon before you click next button. That will give it at least one second to advance to the next timestamp. Remember, duplicate timestamps don't work.

NOW go to your alternate accounts, or nudge your friend, to accept all the requests. Buildables can only be accepted in a Separate browser

(not the mullti -zmc link) and the other browser must have cafe world loaded in 2nd account, or you only get one of each item no matter how many

requests you send. To accept them in the 2nd browser, use THIS LINK on that new browser, not a saved zmc link with signed request in it.

REFRESH your cafe and accept the level before you move on.

(I use the time it takes to refresh cafe to close all my new tabs. Just an idea :))

NEW UPDATE 7/25/2013

The Get one of Each button has been added. This will send a request for ALL 6 parts to the user IDS in the To box.

However, there is a bit of set up to make this work.

So enter YOUR id in from box, and the person/people you are sending request to in the TO box.

Click your stage, then click the Get 1 of Each button. The first time you do this, don't click Ctrl key, you want to go to new tab!

Very quickly, on the new tab, on upper right, you will see a pop-up blocked notification. Click on this!

(this pic is for chrome - for firefox see bottom of page)

It will open a drop down menu telling you what was blocked. Click the button next to "always allow from rachelscafeworld" then click done.

(note, you will need to do this on both Server 1 and server 2!)

NOW go back to the Easy Buildables page, and click the "Get 1 of Each" button again. THIS time you will see a NEW tab, and 5 pop ups.

The first new tab is part 1, the 5 pop ups are parts 2-6. Close the smaller pop up windows once each of them has the payload success message.

Go collect the parts from your alt's zmc. Refresh cafe and close any new tabs or windows you missed while cafe is re-loading.

Note: If you are collecting after each send... you MAY USE the multi-zmc method for this.. just make sure to collect all 6 items from each of your created zmcs before sending again.

so if you have many alt zmcs to use, this method makes builds super fast!!!

example: I have 6 alt zmcs to use (so I can do fast spice crew lol)

I am on stage 4 of a buildable, and i need 5 of each part to complete this stage. I enter 5 of my available multi-ZMCs user ids in the to field.. so I am sending 5 requests at once.. for all 6 parts

With ONE click, i sent out requests for 30 parts. Now I go to my muli-zmc and collect all 6 parts from each of the 5 zmcs i have bookmarked in my browser.. and I refresh my game.. and I'm done with stage 4!

firefox - directions to allow popups

Click the orange box at top left, then choose options then options.

Now click the content section, and next to "block pop-up windows" click the exceptions button.

A new smaller window will appear. Type in rachelscafeworld.com and click allow

Then type in rachelscafeworldtoo.com and click allow.

Now click Close.. then click ok on the Options window.

Now go back to your "get 1 of each" button and you are in business!