Crew Requester


Hey guys! Hubby revamped the crew page - put them all in ONE place.. and made it a single click. What's missing is the drop down menu (audience, producer... bride, groom) and in its place is the single click buttons.

Here's how this works!

Crew Requester Server 1

Crew Requester Server 2

Once you get to the page, it looks like this:

(this is a picture! click the link above to get to the real page)

First, MAKE SURE YOUR CAFE is loaded in the SAME browser you open the requester in!

1. Enter YOUR user ID in the FROM box. this is NUMBERS ONLY, no letters. Go HERE to find your user ID if you don't have it.

2. Enter the user IDs of the people you are sending TO in the TO box. If you are entering multiple IDs, make sure you have a comma in between each one, and NO SPACES.

example: 12346,465789,987654321,001122445,999888777

3. Click the button for the crew position you are hiring these people for. If you are filling your spice crew, click one of the spice crew buttons. If you are filling your sous Chef, click one of the sous chef buttons.

4. Once you click the button, a NEW TAB will open, and it will have a payload message on it, and your request was sent!

5. Now that you have the payload message, close that tab, and send again!

6. Go to the accounts you have sent to, and collect your requests, one per spot, so you can fill your crews. The same person cannot hold more than one slot per crew.

Note: Due to spamming issues with spice crew in the past, this is limited to 10 IDs in the TO field. Please find 10 good friends who are on throughout the day to send to, instead of sending to your entire list.

If you wish to send to your entire list, do so IN the game, using the IN GAME Crew request buttons.

Another note: All timers were removed from the crew requests. Please use this wisely. If I get complaints of people spamming them with dozens of crew requests, without permission, then the spammers will lose their privileges on my sites! However, the majority of players have their own alternates set up, or their friends' old zmc link to use, and never bother anyone else when using crew requests, so for THOSE players, we took off the timers. Send yourself as many crew requests as you wish, and have them stacked up and ready to go for long-term ungiftable dishes :)

P.S. When doing Spice crews, I usually recommend opening two tabs. One for sending Audience requests, and one for producer, so you don't have to change the TO ids as you send multiple requests.

HUGE TIP FROM BROOKE! When filling spice crews, once you are ABSOLUTELY SURE you have accepted at least one of your crew requests in your alternates, (and you are pretty sure you got all 6 done) click the BUY button in upper left of the spice crew window (first Audience spot) and watch ALL the crew fill up without reloading your CAFE! And you can tell if you missed any! This is the same as selling a food in your giftbox to see your food gifts show up.