+++ Using the Helps - A Complete Guide

Need help with goals? Not enough friends returning parts? Not enough stoves to cook all the food you need in time? Here's help!

This guide is to help the first time user be able to successfully use the helps offered by Juliescafeworld.com in connection with Rachelscafeworld.com

To begin, you must have access to 2 accounts. The 2nd account can be yours, a spouse's, a child's, a sister's... any account you can log into facebook with.

You need to know the USER ID numbers (no letters!) of your two accounts. If you need help finding those, click here. Once you find your numbers, its a good idea to copy and paste them onto a notepad document

or a Word document - somewhere where you can access them easily to copy and paste again. You also need to go into facebook account settings and under security, on secure browsing, choose "disable." That is what cafe world needs to run successfully. And then make sure "post on your behalf" is removed in the cafe world app settings. Full directions for that can be found at the bottom of this page (below the foods list)

For the purposes of this walkthru - we are going to be using two browsers - Chrome and Firefox. The helps will not work well in internet explorer. You must always use two separate browsers for this method!

Let's begin!

First, log into facebook on Chrome with YOUR account. Open cafe world in Chrome, on YOUR account. Figure out which quest you are working on, and what parts you need next.

Now, Open a new tab in Chrome, and go to juliescafeworld.com - and find the name of the quest you are working on. Click on it. (Remember, all the current quests are at the top with asterisks!)

For this walk-thru, we are going to be using the quest Bonfire Ballad.

Once inside the quest page, locate the part you need by its name.. and look at the 4 or 5 digit GID number next to it. (for older quests, read the directions on each page if you do not see a number next to your item)

For this walkthru - we are looking for Bonfire Tour Planners. They have GID # 14694.

Once you know your part number, open ANOTHER new tab, and on that tab, go to juliescafeworld.com and click on the "quick links to the helps" tab at the top.

Now, it will open to a huge list of links. At the end of the walk-thru I will give details on what each of these links does... but for now just choose the ASKING link, because we are going to ASK our 2nd account for the item we need.

Once you click on that link, it will open a new page. PLEASE STOP THERE AND READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THAT PAGE.

I will go through them again here, however reading through there will give you a good idea on what we are going to do next.

After you read the directions, Click on one of the server links to access the helps. This will open a new tab and take you to THAT page.

Both servers are identical, so it doesn't matter which one you choose.

For this walk-thru, I chose server 1.

Now, I am on the ASK page, and I see three boxes. In the first box, labeled 1 in the picture below, enter YOUR user id (you can copy and paste it from your notepad or Word document you made earlier!)

If you are entering it by hand, double-check that all the numbers are correct! Remember, this is numbers only, NO LETTERS.

In the 2nd box, labeled 2, enter the user id of your 2nd account. (again, copy and paste is the best method to ensure no mistakes)

In the 3rd box, we enter the GID part number of the part we need - from the quest page. Remember we needed Bonfire Tour Planners? and the number is 14694. So that is what you enter in the third box, labeled 3.

Now, on the right side of the Part GID box you see a button. It says "I want parts!" Click that button, (labeled 4 in the picture below) and you will see a list of 10 links that say "Click Here" (number 5 below) appear above your "from user id" box.

With your mouse, point at the top "click here" link, and left click it. It will open a whole new tab (labeled 6) with just a blank white page. You will see a weird link in the address bar. (labeled 7 below)

Now, use your mouse to click ONCE on that weird link, it will highlight, and turn all blue! (see 8 below)

And NOW hit the enter key on your keyboard!!! You will see a new message appear in your blank white page. Once you see the Payload message, (labeled 9 below) you have sent your request!

OK, thats all of the ASKING part for right now. So the next step is to open FIREFOX browser, and load facebook on your 2nd account. Once it is loaded, in firefox, open a new tab and go to Juliescafeworld.com.

On the left column, find the link that says "Access your ZMC" And click on it.

You will see a new page, and a link. Click on the link shown as #11 below. It will open on top of this current page.

Once you click that link, you will see your 2nd accounts OLD ZMC. This is the BEST WAY to collect anything using the ASK link. (you cannot collect buildable parts using OLD ZMC, it has to be collected IN THE GAME).

For this walk-thru, you will see that Julie (me) had asked this 2nd account for the Bonfire Tour Planners . Click the Accept button to send that part back to your main account! (number 12 below)

NOW go back to Chrome, to the tab with all the click here links, and repeat those steps until all 10 links are used up!

When you have done all 10, if you need more of the same part, just click the "I want parts" button again, and you will get 10 new links!

If you need food, instead of parts, the food GID list is at the top of the website on the tab labeled Food GIDs. It works EXACTLY the same way as the parts. all you change is the GID number.


For Buildables - its works a bit differently. See picture below. Once you get to the Buildables page (click the buildables link on the quick links page), here's how it works.

#1 enter YOUR user ID.. #2 enter your 2nd account user ID #3 Choose the Buildable you are working on (click the drop down arrow at the end of the box to pick from all available)

#4 enter the GID of the part you need (all GIDs are on their respective quest page.) #5 choose the stage you are currently working on (click the drop down menu to choose)

Once you hit the "I want buildables" button, you will see the same 10 links. They appear above the From User ID box the same as with ASK. Click one of the links, as before, and follow through until you get

the Payload message.

NOW things change a bit. When you go to Firefox and open your 2nd account, Open up your OLD ZMC like we did on ask above, and accept your requests.

Go back to your browser, where your main account is, and refresh your cafe world game to see if you got all you needed.

Repeat until you are done!


For Catering, it works exactly the same way as ASK does.. but you have to use the CATERING link ONLY. Asking for catering parts using the ASK link will not work.. you will not get your parts.


Once you are familiar with the way the helps work.. there are more tools you can use to make it go faster. In Chrome, go to the Get Linkclump page to find out how to make the links work faster.

In Firefox, its Get Multi-links.

THEN once you have it down really well, you can create your 2nd account's OLD ZMC link and use it in the SAME BROWSER as your main account - for a SINGLE browser method!

More info on that on the Access many ZMCs in same browser page.

As far as the Quick links goes.. here is a description of what EACH link does., and there are complete directions on each page.

Sending - where you send a part or food item to your friend INSTEAD of asking for it for yourself. This works for Food and Quest parts only

Catering - exclusively for catering parts. You cannot get food or quest parts with this link.

Buildables - exclusively for buildable parts (stove shop, etc.) You cannot get any other items with this link.

Spice Crew - exclusively to ask specific friends to join your spice crew. Complete directions are on the page.

Wedding Crew - ask specific friends to join your Guest Book crew (bride and groom) for the 10% cooking bonus.

Clickable links - make a link that your friends can click on to get parts (one click per friend per 24 hour period)

Choose your own food - ask your entire friends list for a certain food. I use this when im getting ready for bed, and I need to cook 2 sets of many foods...

I put one set on the stoves, and ask all my friends for the other food. When I get up in the morning, I have collected a lot of it! They go automatically to your gift box.

For the rest, click on each of the links to see what they do and how they can help you.

Please remember we do this for free - but appreciate donations to keep us going. Every bit helps! There are donate buttons on all of Rachelscafeworld pages - it would be great if you would send her a couple dollars a month to say thanks.

Especially if you used to pay zynga to complete goals :) You won't have to do that anymore!