How to find ID Of a Spammer

If you are being spammed by a neighbor or friend.. first please contact them and ask them to stop. If they refuse and continue to spam, if they are using helps provided by me (and Rachel) then I can help.

If you have already deleted and blocked the friend, and cannot find their name, or maybe its a random person you have never seen before!!! - here' is how to find their user ID to send them a message, or

also to me so I can block them from my sites. (remember, this will NOT block them from using other help sites that are even more volatile... but maybe it will slow them down :)

THIS IS FOR CHROME METHOD.... I'm sure firefox is similar, but since 90% of us use chrome, just follow this:

When you see the list of requests spamming you in your ZMC, close out cafe immediately and go to app center, and then to the cafe world section.. and find the list of his/her requests.

RIGHT CLICK on one of the accept buttons, and choose inspect element

6 lines up you will see this line

<input name="params[from_id]" value="10000xxxxxxxx" autocomplete="off" type="hidden">

Pay attention to the Value=

THAT from ID is user id of your perp

Now you can find him (unless you have him blocked) in facebook and message him, or send me the user ID and I will see if I can help at all! :)

Note: this may not work with some of the requests.. only ones that show up in apps. sorry :(