Money Club by Vrije Meid


Every Year I Make Plans & A Budget For The Coming Year

In September 2024 there came an end to my student debt. I am debt free now! With this a new chapter in my finances is opening. I can save and invest more. Each year I make plans for long term, midterm and short term. These plans I integrate in my fixed costs and living expenses. Together these are the money I have to make. All that I earn above the budgeted amount I can save, invest and do more things I like with, e.g. going for a hike, on a vacation or invest more in learning.

Where Am I Financially?

I am debt free and on my way to have a healthy financial buffer. I use the method Profit First from the book 'Profit First'. After reading this book I altered my budgeting method a bit and went further with my allocation of the money which I earn. I wrote the blog 'Manage Money better' about my experience with allocation of money immediately after it is on my bank account. In the same blog I also show with pictures of my Excelsheets how I allocate my earnings for my company Databeet to the Databeet budgets and the money I allocate to my own private budgets.

To Get Even Better At Managing My Budgets I Joined A Money Club & Investment Club

Besides reading a lot of books about Finance. I joined a few courses, the Money Club and the Investment Club for a while. What I got from joining these courses and clubs was more knowledge about how to practice what I read in books about investment and saving better. I also quit the Money Club and Investment Club when I felt that I didn't need them anymore and wasn't contributing anything anymore. I still read a lot of books and articles about finances and I have a subscription to the Dutch Financial newspaper Financieel Dagblad. 

What Do I Want From Life?

I don't want to be rich, but having money makes life easier. I don't go for the easy ways of earning money that are all over the internet and Youtube, but I budget well and I am aware on what I spent my money. This does mean I don't over spent, but I sometimes buy overpriced food or things I don't need. I have a budget for that, overspent budget. When there is money in the overspent budget I can do that. When there isn't money in that overspent budget I can't. I don't allocate a lot of money to the overspent budget, but it is a way to not be too strict on my finances that I start craving for things. 

Debt Free

I am since September 2024 debt free. I had a student debt till September 2024, my only debt, still a debt. But I am debt free now. I like it a lot being debt free and I plan to keep my life debt free.


Now that I am debt free. I can dream even more and make them become true. And my financial stress is on a lower level. I like being an entrepreneur, which gives me sometimes stress. I see it as good stress which motivates me to keep learning and innovating myself and my business. I like to learn and with being an entrepreneur I can be in the driver seat on what I learn and which projects I do.


Being debt free makes it easier to make my dreams come true. There is more financial space in my budget after the fixed cost, living expenses and saving for a buffer and pension. It is also easier to eat healthier, to live in a nicer area, to work less or to work on projects I am interested in. I can also invest time in learning German to go visit the Hanze cities in Germany and stay in safe neighborhood in a nice hotel. I am not the only one seeing having money as handy. The Dutch book 'De route naar 100.000 euro per jaar' is also talking about how earning more means more freedom. Not just to spend and overspend, but to be able to pay my fixed cost easier and if something breaks replace or fix it without bad financial stress. It also means I can do the things in life I want to do and have a relaxed life I want with almost always only good stress.Â