The Courses I Did In 2020 To Deal With Numbers Even Better

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Investing In Knowledge

I invest quite a lot of money and time in increasing my knowledge by reading books, watching Youtube channels and following courses/workshops. Before Corona era also by sometimes going to network events, but yes, they are not there for the time being. I will tell about the workshops/courses I followed in 2020 that have something to do with numbers.

Super Simpel Beleggen

I started the year with the Super Simpel Beleggen (Super Simple Investing) course. In March I turned out to have all the time in the world for this course as I was in lockdown with the rest of the country. I watched each video at least twice, asked questions and practiced. It paid off because I ended the year with a profit at my investor broker. I initially bought ETFs. In the course everything about ETFs is explained, so I could start right away with investing.

Simpel & Veilig Starten Met Beleggen

I wanted to invest more than in ETFs and with the lockdown I had the time.  I followed the NowHerDays course Simpel & Veilig starten met beleggen (Start investing). This eCourse was about analyzing individual stocks and how to make an investment plan. I started analyzing several companies that I found interesting. My background in Business Economics came in handy here. It was also useful that there was a Facebook group during the course where I could ask the teacher questions and spar with other participants of the ecourse about shares and analysis of companies. Both courses together contributed to a first successful year of investing. I am no longer on Facebook, but the group still exist for whoever follows the course.

Effective Data Communication With Excel

A completely different order was the Effective data communication with Excel (Effectieve data communicatie met Excel) ecourse. This was supposed to be an 1-day training on location, but became an online training due to the lockdown. A very interesting training for me where I learned a lot about Dataviz communicating with Excel, but it was tough that it was online and not on location. The interaction was less. I still have to work on what I've learned in this course. No rush! It was especially difficult, because I saw how something had to be done and I couldn't deal with what I had learned right away, because there was no way to do exercises I normally do in workshops on locations with the interactions between teacher and other participants.

Transform My Finances

The lockdown gave space, because all work came to a halt. Why not follow another course. I took the course Transform my finances twice. During the lockdown as an Instagram course and later in the year at Porterenee Academy. With the information provided, I transformed my administration and budgets. Handy now that the income flow was on the back burner due to the lockdown.

The Budget Grocery Course

Fortunately, work started again, and the lockdown was lifted, but I thought I'm going to completely unravel those finances this year with courses and books. I also did the Budget Shopping Course at Porterenee. This course was about how I can save on my groceries. Some tips I already knew and others I thought I don't have to, but I'm going to apply some tips I thought were handy.

Up My Game Camp

In the meantime I thought, I want to convert my entire company, but how. I contacted Wonderlijk Werken and that resulted in following their Up My Game Camp in Haaksbergen. In three days, an idea was born, built, and thought about. It was spicy, but well worth it! For the rest of the year I kept looking at my notes that I had made there, and the sparring sessions helped me a lot to think out my idea.

Get My Shit Together Training

In the summer I came across the website FuckDieStudieSchuld and indeed I also had a student loan. With interest I read what she was up to and signed up for her online course. With the Get My Shit Together ecourse, I came up with a plan for my student debt and started implementing it and I am still executing it!

Start My Fire

With the thought: I now have my budgets in order more than ever, I am investing and paying off my student debt, the question came:  What more do I want?

What More Do I Want? 

I started taking the Start My Fire online course in the fall. The advantage of this course is that it has a community with which I can spare. I still benefit from that, which is great!

The Advantages Of The Lockdowns

I am still super happy with the courses I took in 2020 and the books I read, because I have my finances in order more than ever and can take a rest between major assignments.