Current research by GICEOLEM

Grupo para la Inclusión y Calidad Educativas a través de Ocuparnos de la Lectura y la Escritura en todas las Materias

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SEE AN OVERVIEW in Paula Carlino (2016). Writing Across the Curriculum: a South American perspective. Paper presented at the "International Writing Across the Curriculum (IWAC) Conference: Writing across Difference". University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S., June 2016. Download presentation

Lines of research

Naturalistic studies

Manuela Cartolari (Current postdoc research): Literacy practices in History courses of a pre-service teacher education program

Laura Colombo (Assistant Researcher)

Peer review and peer interaction in doctoral writing groups in the Social Sciences

Elena Molina (PhD dissertation in course)

Arguing and writing to learn in two university disciplines (Linguistics and Biology): Didactic Conditions and Teachers’ Interventions

Natalia Rosli (Current postdoc research)

Reading and writing in high school subjects (Social Studies, Geography, Economics):  A case study in a high risk school

Jusmeidy Zambrano (PhD dissertation in course)

Writing to learn in Engineering: A case study on the final written work in Electronic Engineering.

Design-based intervention studies

Carolina Roni (PhD dissertation)

Reading and writing to learn in high school. Design and implementation of a teaching sequence in Biology

Isabel Venazco (completed M.A. thesis)

Writing as a mediation tool for epistemic dialogue in Math classes. Design and implementation of a teaching sequence in high school.

Lionel Alfie (PhD dissertation in course)

Design and implementation of a teaching sequence that integrates reading and writing mediated by technology in Biology classes in pre-service teacher education.

Guillermo Cordero (PhD dissertation in course)

Reading and writing to learn in Engineering: design and implementation of a teaching sequence in a Numerical Methods course

Previous research by GICEOLEM

Survey research

Paula Carlino (Director) Reading and writing to learn in pre-service teacher education. A National survey across disciplines and program degrees. Download final report