The truth about brushing your teeth with activated charcoal

Post date: Jan 09, 2019 6:39:31 PM

One of the biggest trends in wellness is activated charcoal. And not just in toothpastes, but everywhere. Many dentists believe that this trend is worth the hype. This black powder is made out of coconut shells and other natural ingredients, creating a powerful detoxifying agent.

Brushing with activated charcoal is an all-natural way to whiten the teeth and can also prevent cavities, balance one’s oral microbiome, improve bad breath, and re-mineralize teeth. For some, the abrasiveness of the charcoal may be too much for the teeth. However, more studies advocate for its use as it is found to whiten teeth and eliminate bad breath. Brush with such toothpaste in moderation so as to not erode the teeth’s enamel.

Charcoal toothpaste gets rid of stains caused by extrinsic stains such as wine, berries, tea, coffee, and other staining foods. It is important to note that stain removal is different from teeth whitening, but is still an integral aspect of keeping the teeth looking beautiful and in good health. It also removes acidic plaque and gives one fresh breath. Brushing with this type of toothpaste increases the pH of the mouth, as the charcoal binds to acidic elements, improves their rate of getting eliminated from the body.

The proper use of activated charcoal toothpastes can aid in balancing a person’s oral microbiome, benefiting one’s immune system. But before hopping on the train, it’s best to check with the dentist with regard to the regularity of the use of this kind of toothpaste.

Dr. Kami Hoss is a man of many skills and expertise. He is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego, which he co-founded with his wife, Dr. Nazil Keri. For more updates from Dr. Kami Hoss, head over to this blog.