Dr. Kami Hoss: What Type of Retainer Should You Get?

Post date: Dec 13, 2017 12:11:36 AM

So you've run the whole course, put up with those metal wires called braces, which may or may not have caused you to a smile a little less, or flash a smaller smile. Now that you're rid of them, you may be thinking it ends here; that it's all over. First, Dr. Kami Hoss congratulates you! This is because some teenagers are still embarrassed to get braces done. However, as anyone can see, the results are well worth it.

If you wore braces for several years spanning different life stages, such as from adolescence to young adulthood, you'd want to preserve the results from all those years of wearing them as much as possible, correct? This brings Dr. Kami Hoss to discuss the different types of retainers available. Retainers are what will keep your teeth straight and your bite in proper alignment for years to come.

Types of Retainers

1. Permanent retainers – Dr. Kami Hoss says permanent retainers are also referred to as bonded wire retainers, fixed retainers, or lingual retainer wire. Whatever you prefer to call them, these retainers are bonded or attached to the back of the teeth, usually the upper four front teeth or the lower six front teeth. However, placement still depends on the needs of the patient. As their name suggests, these retainers cannot be removed. Only a dentist or an orthodontist, to be more specific, can remove them. Because they are permanent, this type of retainer retains or holds teeth well, and no one will even notice they're there! The downside, however, is that they can feel extremely uncomfortable and even hurt your tongue.

2. Hawley retainers – Hawley retainers are the most common types of retainers and are probably the most familiar among all types. Dr. Kami Hoss says Hawley retainers are also called wire retainers. Made from plastic, wires, and acrylic that has been molded to take on the shape of the mouth, Hawley retainers are removable, unlike permanent retainers. Hawley retainers do a good job of holding teeth in place, and they come in a wide variety of colors and styles. Because they last a long time, their affordable price tag offers tremendous value. One of the benefits of Hawley retainers is that they are adjustable, meaning your orthodontist can adjust them to fix your teeth if they moved a little after wearing braces.

3. Clear retainers – More and more people are opting for clear retainers or invisible retainers. Dr. Kami Hoss says clear retainers are custom-fitted for the wearer's mouth, much like Hawley retainers. If you don't want other people seeing your retainers when you open your mouth or speak, then clear retainers may work for you. However, they are not usually the first pick of dentists as they are not the most durable ones. Compared to Hawley and permanent retainers, clear retainers have a shorter life span because they are only made from clear plastic.

In the end, which type you should get will boil down to your dentist's recommendation, your preference for appearance, and care and maintenance for your retainers.

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