Dr. Kami Hoss: How Often Should You Get Teeth Cleaning?

Post date: Nov 03, 2017 6:43:29 PM

If you're like anyone else, you probably avoid seeing the dentist. You can chalk it up to your childhood, when you had to be dragged by your parents, or all that guilt that washes over you once you're sitting on the dentist's chair. Dr. Kami Hoss assures everyone that he empathizes. However, there's still no denying the fact that seeing your dentist regularly is vital for keeping your teeth strong and healthy.

Why Should You Get Teeth Cleaning?

Before Dr. Kami Hoss answers the when, he finds that it's best to make a case first about the why. You may be wondering why you should get teeth cleaning when you already do a good job of brushing your teeth twice a day. Dr. Kami Hoss explains that brushing one's teeth is rarely ever enough. This is because a toothbrush can't always clean those hard-to-reach places; crevices where plaque can build up the most. And when plaque builds up, when it hardens into tartar, it would be very hard to remove it simply through brushing and flossing your teeth. This is also why dentists like Dr. Kami Hoss use special tools like Ultrasonic scalers and teeth polishers to thoroughly clean the teeth.

How Often Should You Get Teeth Cleaning?

Now that you understand the why behind teeth cleaning, you may be wondering how often you should see your dentist. In general, Dr. Kami Hoss advises seeing your dentist every six months for teeth cleaning. You may be thinking this is too frequent, but think of it this way: when you see your dentist regularly, you're saving yourself from an uncomfortable and maybe even painful teeth cleaning procedure. In other words, the last thing you want is for plaque to build up and harden into tartar, because the more tartar there is to remove, the longer you'll have to sit on the dentist's chair. Now, compare this to being conscious about your dental health and seeing your dentist regularly, your check up may only take a couple of minutes, because there is no plaque buildup or tartar to remove.

Dr. Kami Hoss reiterates that even if you think your teeth are in great shape, you should still see your dentist. Why? This is because some patients may do a DIY tartar inspection themselves, checking in the mirror if there is tartar at the back of the teeth. Of course, if you see tartar there at the base of the teeth near the gums, you should absolutely see your dentist as soon as possible to have your teeth cleaned. But don't forget — just because you didn't see any tartar there doesn't mean you're in the clear as well. Dentists like Dr. Kami Hoss are professionally trained to check for plaque and tartar. Additionally, they also have the tools to check the entire surface of the tooth, including behind it.

Now Dr. Kami Hoss asks: when was the last time you saw your dentist for teeth cleaning?

Stay tuned to read more from Dr. Kami Hoss.