Starting your own backyard farming project

Post date: Nov 18, 2020 7:16:30 PM

Many experts warned that there’d be supply chain disruptions because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means some suppliers will have a hard time sending food to everyone’s table. In case you’re alarmed by this, don’t worry. As long as you have a plot of land like your backyard, you can start your own farm. Dr. Kami Hoss, a dentist who is also an experienced farmer, offers tips on starting your own backyard farm. The very first thing you need to do is to look at where you can grow your vegetables. In case you’re maintaining a lawn, think about sacrificing this cost-intensive feature for the ability to grow your own food. Imagine trading sucking up your money via your water bill, sod supplies, and gas for your lawnmower for a supply of crops for your table.

You’ll be glad to know that vegetables can be pretty too, and you can wrap your head around how you might utilize the flowering and yield fruit and crop-producing plants to make your yard look good. Aside from this consideration, you should also think about the vegetables you would want to eat and what produce grows best in the soil and weather you have. Next, you need to start planning what form your gardening will look like, says Dr. Kami Hoss. Will you utilize garden beds? Are you working with indoor spaces, so you intend to go for hydroponic tanks instead? Think of your space and what resources are available to you. You can grow some vegetables, even in containers and pots. Dr. Kami Hoss, DDS, MS, is the CEO and co-founder of The Super Dentists. He is also the CEO of Acceledontics and Howard Healthcare Academy. He holds a master’s in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. For more on Dr. Hoss and his practice, click here.