October 2019

Diablo Weavers Guild meets in Walnut Creek, usually on the third or fourth Friday of the month from September through June, 10:00 am until noon or a little later. We do not meet in July and August.

New members and guests are welcome.

In September, December and June we meet at a member's home. Other meetings are usually held at the Thurman Casey Library in Walnut Creek (Ygnacio Valley Library).

Thurman G. Casey Library

2661 Oak Grove Rd.

Walnut Creek CA 94598

See the link below or the side menu bar, upper left, for meeting dates and topics. This will be updated throughout the year.

Programs: 2019-2020

Library location details and a map:

Meeting location


Dues for the 2019-20 year, September - June, are $30 per person; $40 per family. If joining half way through the year, dues are $15.

We are encouraging everyone to bring their own mug or cup for hot tea or coffee. The guild provides tea and instant coffee, plates and napkins. We will have some drink cups available as well.

Our next meeting will be October 25, 2019

10:00 at the library

Program: Presentation by the Chico Flax Project

Building a Flax Industry in Northern California

Sandy Fisher has been a professional weaver for over 30 years. Joining forces with her husband Durl the two became interested in how flax could be grown and processed in Northern California. Their journey started 9 years ago, through trials and errors they made big strides from home garden to a four acre farm, from hand processing to mechanical tools, with help from their community growing flax into linen has become a reality. They will bring samples, seeds, sticks and yarn blends available.


June Picnic Project: Make It Work

Our project is well underway, with September's attendees blind picking their 3 skeins. Just to reiterate: Each skein has approximately 240 yards, so the three colors you get are a "start". You can add whatever you like, and weave whatever you like, in any structure you want. But you must use all three colors, and not just one thread of each! So if you get orange, pink and lime green - you need to figure out a way to "Make It Work".

Baggies with skeins are still available, and will be through the January meeting. At that meeting, all the baggies will be put out and members will be able to choose whatever they want or need, to augment their project. You still need to use your original 3 colors, but you may be able to add more of what you have or to add more color. We don't need to have all kinds of left over skeins for someone to store!

Snack for October: Lillian W.

Older Looms available

An older floor loom and table looms are available to be donated. See the photos below and contact information if you are interested or know someone who might be interested in these looms.

Jennifer Gile, akamommy@pacbell.net

in Pleasant Hill

Counterbalance Hammett Floor Loom

Table loom

Travel Opportunity

Aiko's daughter Mari is leading two tours to Guatemala this coming March. See the itinerary and other details via the link below or selecting the page from the left menu.

Textile tours to Guatemala

Do you have items to add to our website? Local events, news, things for sale? Please let me know, we can do updates at any time.
