March 2012 Minutes

Diablo Weaver’s Guild Meeting Minutes Mar. 16, 2012

Carol Causey called the meeting to order.

Vilija Deutschman gave her treasurer’s report. The guild account stands at $1641.28.

Candidates for officers for next year were discussed. For president: Carol Causey is willing to continue, though she would welcome a new volunteer. For programs: Sharon Gardner is willing to take it on. For treasurer: Vilija Deutschman is willing to continue. For secretary: Pam Murdock is willing to take it on.

Upcoming Programs:

The April meeting will be devoted to a work party of small jobs for conference. The meeting date is moved a week later than usual, it will be the fourth Friday, April 27. If you have one, bring a portable paper cutter to the meeting.

The May meeting is cancelled in deference to the CNCH conference occurring on our regularly scheduled meeting time.

And June will be our annual picnic. The date is set for June 15. No special project is planned so far.

March’s Program:

Lillian Whipple gave a talk on rep weave.