
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the

Century Camera

February 7, 2017

1. The President welcomed the members and proceeded to outline the agenda for the next few weeks as prepare for the Expo that is to be held on March 4-5, 2017. She indicated that the:

· Application: was distribution: Feb 7

· Application had to be completed and submitted by Feb 14 to permit John to undertake the onerous job of preparing all the identification cards.

· Photos had to be submitted on Feb 28 as they would be hung in the Party Room on March 3.

· Volunteers would be needed for hosting, hanging and the take down process.

2. John Rothkopf provided a progress report on the organizing of the pot luck to be held on March 7.

3. John Rothkopf reported that he had the titles of 17 photos for the February Wall Exhibit. Photos have to be brought in on February 14 and will be hung on February 15.

4. Lise indicated that a number of waivers for Exhibition had not been completed so a number of members came forward to sign a waiver.

5. Election of officers: A slate of officers was put forward: President: Lise DesRosiers: Vice-President: John Rothkopf; Treasurer: Michael Epstein and Secretary, Sol Goldstein. Moved by Joel Rosen, Seconded by Patty that the slate of officers be accepted. Unanimous approval.

6. Financial Reports. Michael Epstein reported that the Club has $1257.84 in its bank account and we are now up to 43 members. He indicated that Lise and himself were planning to visit the Optimum bank to see if the Club could open a bank account without fees.

7. Discussion on different topics of photography including printing services offered by Costco.

8. Photos: Members commented on a number of photographs.

Adjournment at 2:45 pm (motion to adjourn Patty Bender/Michael Epstein.)

Sol Goldstein
