AKK Lodge LLDC and Winter Banquet

Post date: Dec 28, 2008 5:05:51 PM

Our next chapter meeting will be held during the Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC) in Greenville on 2-7-09 starting at 9:00am until about 4:00pm. This only happens once a year and it's a great opportunity for all Arrowman (youth and adults). Afterwards, there will be an Executive Conference Meeting (ECM) about 4:30pm, then the Annual Lodge Banquet from 6pm to 8pm. At the ECM you'll learn how Lodge makes decisions and get to know the Lodge leadership. All day you'll learn tons of stuff about the OA and OA and Scouting history. At the Banquet people will bring their old patches and books that you can purchase or bid on. There will be a special speaker at the Banquet too.

At the LLDC there will be multiple sessions to choose from and you'll learn and fellowship with the best of the best. The instructors are all from the AKK Lodge. Afterwards, you can sit in on the Lodge Executive Conference Meeting (ECM) and learn how the meeting is run and issues are handled.

If you are planning to attend either the LLDC or the Winter Banquet, please register using the form that can be found at http://www.akk185.org/resourcesforms.shtml. Hope to see you there.