AKK LLDC & Winter Banquet & Chapter Meeting rescheduled to 2/13

Post date: Jan 28, 2010 7:55:18 PM

The LLDC and Winter Banquet scheduled for this weekend (Jan 30th) have been rescheduled to Saturday, February 13. While predictions may continue to change, we feel that due to the Winter Storm Watch and many forecasts for this weekend that the safest option is to postpone these events. Our lodge covers a large geographic area, so while conditions may be ok in some areas they may not in others. We also want to give everyone as much notice as possible. Please find below a list of upcoming event dates. ( Winter Storm Watch for Greater Greenville, SC from 12 pm EST, Fri., Jan. 29, 2010 until 6 pm EST, Sat., Jan. 30, 2010 )

Thank you for understanding.

Tim Hunt - Lodge Adviser

Chad Duggins - Staff Adviser

February 13 - The LLDC and Winter Banquet will now be held February 13. Same times and location. There is already a Dixie staff work day scheduled for this date as well. Please still attend unless you will be participating in the LLDC. Bring a bag lunch and plan to be at Camp from 9am to 3pm - and still have plenty of time to make it to the Banquet.

February 27 - Dixie staff work day. Everyone is welcome. All staff must attend.

March 12-14 - Spring Fellowship

March 20 - Lodge Dixie Work Day - Camp Old Indian (patch)

April 10 - Lodge Dixie Work Day - Camp Old Indian (patch)

April 17 - Back-up Dixie Work Day (if one or the prior days is rained out)

April 23 - 25 - Dixie Fellowship - Camp Old Indian

May 8 - Post Dixie Lodge Work Day - Camp Old Indian (patch)