Ca-Nu-Pa Chapter - Arctic Freeze Retreat - Jan 14-16, 2011

Post date: Jan 13, 2011 1:37:29 AM

The 3rd Annual Ca-Nu-Pa Arctic Freeze Retreat is next weekend....Don't miss it. If you can make it, great! If not, still try. Every year has been a lifetime memory. It's too hard to explain... You just have to be there to understand. Youth $25 for weekend (plus bring a Cracker Barrel item(s) to share). Adults pricing has been reduced to $50 (plus bring a Cracker Barrel items to share). Friday to Sunday check out at Noon. Includes food and historical OA patch. Adults are in charge of cooking. Youth are in charge of having a great experience and fun. If you can come up for the just for one day, that's Okay. (Cost is free to day trips for youth and $10.00 for Adults which includes food).

Below are just a few pictures from the past two years from the retreat. Go to Ca-Nu-Pa website to view more pictures from prior years or seek additional info @ ( ). If you need a ride, please coordinate with your Troop OA Rep or a Ca-Nu-Pa officer or advisor who will help secure you a ride to Camp Buc.

To register please e-mail Van Cason at . Hope ya'll can make it! WWW

(E-mail distribution 1/9/11)