August 12 - 16

Post date: Aug 12, 2019 1:54:54 PM

As all students are becoming used to the block schedule and we are wrapping up our diagnostics to see what areas we need to grow our young writers, everyone needs to have his/her 3-ring binder with three dividers ready for check off so we can begin using them in class. We are about to embark into our Unit 1 The Narrative and review all the parts of a story. All of ELA was very impressed with what our students have shown us so far so we will be writing more short stories in the coming weeks.

Be sure to sign on to my remind so you can receive reminders about upcoming assignments and feel free to message me there or email any questions or concerns and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.

Remind Codes:

1st period:

2nd period:

3rd period:

4th period:

5th period: