The bank runs out of money

Bertha's parents used to put all their money in a primary producers' bank but during The Great Depression, it went into administration.

Bertha remembers the day her mother went to the bank and discovered it was closed.

"I have to laugh now but it wasn't funny then," she says.

"Mum had gone to Warwick on her own with the cheque to cash and of course she couldn't cash it.

"She came home in the horse and sulky… the wind was blowing her hat up and her knees were uncovered, you should have seen it!

"She said 'the bank's closed, I couldn't get any money!'

"They just  had to manage but I don't know how because dad used to put every cheque in the bank."

Many banks closed during The Great Depression, not only in Australia but around the world.

Bertha says the receivers were brought in and her parents got back a percentage of their savings, a little at a time.

(Image: unknown. Linocut 1934. NGA accession number:

NGA 93.611.8)