Running a trucking business

After moving to their own home in Emu Vale in 1941, Elmer started a transport business, carting timber.

He he won a Queensland Government contract and carted wheat from the Southern Downs to the Gold Coast and petrol back to Warwick.

Over time he built the business up and employed five drivers to cart produce from the farms.

It was Bertha's job to feed them all.

"He reckoned if you wanted good drivers you had to look after them," says Bertha.

"You had to give them three meals a day and a pound… over the basic wage.

But the couple also started a family during those years and after a while Bertha called in extra help.

"You can imagine how much time you had to yourself when you cooked for six men," she says.

"One of the neighbour's girls used to come down and help me... just 'til afternoon tea."

After the establishment of Queensland Rail, trains replaced carting trucks and Elmer lost his contract.

The couple sold the transport business in 1950 and moved east to Coomera on the Gold Coast.

(Image: Andrew Cooper. Reproduced under creative

commons licence).