Colony Lighting

Colony Cottage is the only site that uses a 1248 lightboard. The manual for this lightboard can be located from the Reference Documents page.

When the red MEMS light is lit, several predefined scenes are available on the sliders like on most other lightboards. If you press the green light marked 1-24

you can control individual stage lights via the faders. If you press the green light marked 25-48 you can control the house light with the faders. Be aware, however,

if the blue light marked NEXT is lighted, neither of the green lights controls will operate. Thus, ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE BLUE 'NEXT' LIGHT IS OUT.

Every once in a while the circuit breaker for all the stage lights will blow (I think its under sized). This huge circuit breaker is in the most rear (nearest the outside door) closet of the main room.

If it blows you'll need to turn it completely off by pressing the handle VERY FIRMlLY down and then pressing it back up to restore the lights.