Provan Tiger GT/XL

Provan has built Tigers from 1986 until present, however the last Astro based Tiger rolled off of the line in 2005. Provan was originally in Colorado, until Mark Guild bought Provan Industries from Dave Rowe in early 2009 and moved operations to West Columbia, SC.

The two models of Astro based Tigers are the GT and the XL. Both started out life as an AWD or RWD cargo van. The XL has a hard top made of fiberglass where as the GT(garage top) has a pop-up aluminum/vinyl top that allows it to have ~6'2" interior headroom and the ability to be parked in a regular garage.

Both the XL and the GT come with these standard features:

  • 2 sleeping areas that can handle 4 people(provided they are very comfortable with each other)

  • Full Kitchen including a sink, stove, fridge(2way/3way)

Some optional features include:

  • Full Indoor Shower/Wet Toilet

  • Microwave Oven

  • Propane Oven

  • Coach/House Air Conditioner

  • Bumper Mounted Generator

Prospective/Current/Past Tiger owners can find more information at the following sites:

Tiger Owners Group on tapatalk, used to be

Tiger Motorhome Owners Yahoo Group

Tiger Adventure Vehicles

A Tiger with a special paint job:

Specs for the GT lift panels

What to watch out for in buying an Astro based Tiger GT or XL

    • Worn/leaking/shrunk canvas

    • Damaged lift panels on the GT

    • Water damage esp due to worn canvas causes problems with the lift panels bed platform

    • Water damage behind body seam, the support structure tends to rot when this area hasn't been cared for

    • Leaking front windows on XL.

    • Take the cover off of the upper bed, watch for mildew/mold in that area

    • Fuel smell when you fill the tank fully - the filler hose leaks under the shower pan and needs to be replaced, about 8ft of it, replace the vent hose at the same time

    • Make sure all appliances work, luckily they are all standard RV/Camper stuff

    • Battery box rot

    • Sagging composite leaf springs, can cause drive-line problems(recommend switch to steel leaf springs)

    • Cab to camper seal, allowing water inside(wet carpet in that corner)