Colin Alexander McVean, Surveyor in Chief of Meiji Japanese Government.

明治政府測量師長コリン・アレクサンダー・マクヴェイン: 建築営繕, 測量, 気象・地震・天体観測への貢献

commenced in January 1991 on GAMAC FirstClass site together with K. Sato and N. Inui. Click here for Inquiry 質問があったらここ押してね!

皆様へDEAR MY FRIENDS, April 1, 2022.


--This book was published in April 1, 2022 and now on sale at ordinary and internet bookshops. I am researching early Meiji architecture and engineering over 30 years, and wanted to publish the fruits in term of full academic publication. But the cost of the publication of 500 or more paged academic book was too big to bear for me, I reluctantly accepted an advise of publisher to rewrite it in term of simple non-fiction biography. Anyhow, my arguments will surpass all of the existing studies of modern Japanese history, in particular of science and engineering. As I received responses from readers, and I found quit many errors and new things, I will revise them in next version of full academic publication. Special thanks to Simon Chastel de Boinvile, Colin McVean Houston and late Roger Kelly.


本サイトの内容 左上の≡サイドバーをクリック!!, Click ≡ARHIS+HR Side Bar above!

-1. Meeting with McVean. どのようにしてマクヴェインと出会ったのか

-2. Early Career. 来日までの足取り

-3. McVean's Symposium. 2011年11月にマクヴェイン没後150周年記念シンポジウムの案内

-4. McVean, A Surveyor in Chief of Early Meiji Government. 拙著『明治政府測量師長コリン・マクヴェイン

-5. McVean, A Surveyor in Chief (1). I created english version, but need revise it for publication.

-6. McVean, A Surveyor in Chief (2). I created english version, but need revise it for publication.

-7. Diaries and Letters. マクヴェイン文書の中の「日記と手紙」の簡単紹介

-8. Japan Album. マクヴェイン文書の中の「日本アルバム」とその解題

-9. Japan Photograph. マクヴェイン文書の中の「日本写真」とその解題

-10. Japan Scrap. マクヴェイン文書の中の「日本関連の切り抜き」とその解題

-11. 1868-71 in Lighthouse Board and Vulcan Foundry. 日本政府燈明台勤務とヴァルカン鉄工所経営

-12. 1871-73 in Minister of Public Works. 工部省時代。

-13. 1874, Ornithology in Edo. エジンバラ王立自然学協会で発表した「江戸の野鳥について」

-14. 1874-76 in Home Affairs. 内務省時代

-15. 1874, Observation of the Transit of Venus. 1874年御殿山金星日面通過観測

-16. 1876, Return home. 帰国後の足跡。

-17. Glossary. マクヴェインに関連する人物や事物の用語集


要約 For English full article, Click Side-bar to open McVean Surveyor in Chief (1) and (2)




 明治政府は、社会基盤整備をイギリスから技術者を雇用し鉄道建設から始め、主任技師であったエドモンド・モレルはこれらの技術関連事業を成功させるために、Public Worksという一省にまとめること、すなわち工部省の設置を政府に提案した。加えて、可及的速やかに事業を日本技術者に受け渡せるようにその育成機関の創設も強く提案した。そして、伊藤博文と山尾庸三の尽力により、1870年11月に工部省建置が決まり、翌年9月に10寮1司の体制で始動した。工学寮と測量司は新設の部局であり、山尾がその長に就くと、マクヴェインは測量師長として全面的に彼を支えた。







November 10, 2023: Survey Points in 1875 Tokyo Triangulation.1875年東京実測図と横浜実測図における測量点


--The Surveyor-General of the Ministry of Works began triangulating the area of Tokyo and Yokohama in the autumn of 1872 to establish a baseline. It appears to have been almost completed by May 1874, when McVane returned from a furlough. However, the Geography and Geographical Survey Division of the Home Ministry, which took over the project, burnt down its office warehouse in July 1875 and, using what was left over from the fire, re-surveyed and re-drew the 'Yokohama Triangulation Network' and 'Tokyo Triangulation Network' by the end of the same year. The drawings can be superimposed on the current map to show where the survey points were at this time. Due to the Great Kanto Earthquake and aerial bombardment during World War II, it is difficult to find the survey points, but it is worth looking for markers and level points, as they were basically placed in the precincts of shrines, temples and cemeteries where the perimeter was open. There is one problematic location, do you know about it? The location of Gotenyama Astronomical Observatory overlaps with Shinagawa Station. Akabane Astronomical Observatory was established by the Navy, but this one is thought to have been planned by the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, Gotenyama is a few hundred metres to the south, so the naming is wrong. Why,,, was it an indication of the intention to set up an astronomical observatory at Gotenyama?

October 14, 2023: Crimean Railways and Wallachia-Varna Railways. クリミア鉄道とヴァルナ鉄道の開発とドラキュラ


-The Ottoman Turks and Russians were at loggerheads over control of Jerusalem, and a major war broke out in 1854, with Britain and France supporting the weakened Ottoman Turks. The war is also regarded as the start of modern warfare because of the active use of ships and railways developed with modern technology. The British focused on the development of transport facilities and built a railway on the Crimean Peninsula. Due to the emergency situation, the British government did not sign a contract and entrusted Morton Peto and others with the construction of the railway. After the end of the Crimean War, the British and French continued to establish their supremacy on the Black Sea by building a port base at Varna on the other side of the Black Sea from the Crimea and a railway from there to Bucharest via Rustchck in the interior. In 1868, the work was entrusted to Morton Peto & Betts, who were supposed to be hired to manage the construction. However, the Bucharest uprising halted construction, and the pair returned home to find new work. 1878 saw the opening of the railway, and the news gave birth to the story of the vampire Dracula. When the railway opened from Transylvania (part of Romania), the deepest part of Europe, to Varna, and the Mediterranean route was opened from the port of Varna, Dracula's coffin was brought to London along this route. Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula, may have intended it as a social satire about the devil and evil spirits creeping into Victorian England at the end of the 19th century, when the country was enjoying economic prosperity.

October 11, 2023: McVean saved Scharbau's plight hiring him. シャボーの日本行きの理由

--マクヴェインは、もと同僚と言えどもシャボーは15歳も年上で、自らの部下として日本に呼び寄せるつもりはありませんでした。しかし、シャボーはマクヴェインに雇ってくれるように懇願し、最終的にマクヴェインはそれを引き受けます。この時、すなわち1873年5月頃のシャボーの状況を、もと上司であった海軍士官ウィリアム・マックスウェルは次のようにマクヴェインに書いています。「シャボーは日本での展望を恍惚とした様子で手紙を書いてよこした。私は、彼が日本行きになったことは彼らにとって大変よいことだと思っている。彼は海軍測量局から薄給しかもらえず、これ以上の昇進の見込みはない。 奥さんの病気も彼の懐を痛め、朝早くから夜遅くまで働くことになり、体調を悪くしているようだ。」1873年5月22日付けマックスウェルの手紙


-McVean had no intention of bringing Scharbau to Japan as his own man at all, as he was 15 years older than him, even though they were former colleagues. However, Scharbau pleaded with McVean to hire him, and McVean eventually accepted. William Maxwell, a Royal Navy, wrote to McVean about Scharbau's situation at this time, i.e. around May 1873, as follows : "Scharbau writes me in ecstasy of his prospects in Japan and I hope they will be sufficiently good to induce him to go. He is wretchedly paid at the H.O. and there is no chance of advancement.  His wife’s ill health has also been a sore pull on his pocket causing him to work early and late, injuring his constitution I am afraid." Maxwell's letter dated 22 May 1873.

-This shows that Scharbau, who was hired as a surveyor, always had his wife and children left behind in France as the most important thing, rather than co-operating with his boss McVane and his colleague Cheesman, and that saving and bringing home a salary from the Meiji Government was his first priority.

October 5, 2023: HMS Porcupine after the Hebrides Survey.ヘブリディーズ地方測量後のポーキュパイン号


-The HMS Porcupine was used for the Hebrides survey commanded by Charles Henry Otter, R.N. during the 1850s-60s. Isabella Bird visited several times to meet the Otter, so, Bird probably met Colin McVean and Edward Cheesman. After the survey finished in 1865, the Porcupine was chartered by the Royal Society for deep sea investigation. Director the investigation team was Charles W. Thompson, who realized that the Porcupine was too small for world wide investigation. The Admiralty offered the Royal Society larger ship, the HMS Challenger in 1871, and the Challenger Expedition started. 

illustrated by Colin A. McVean. ⓒMVA.

July 9, 2023: The Gubbins in Karuizawa.軽井沢のガビンズ夫妻

--Helen Brodie, first daughter of the McVeans married John H. Gubbins at Edinburgh in 1894, and soon they returned to Tokyo. So, 18 years has passed since Helen left Japan in early 1876 with her family for Scotland. Helen was disappointed with loss of former Yamato Yashiki at Toranomon. The following year, they decided to have summer house at Karuizawa not just following Alexander C. Shaw and Fraser. Colin A. McVean have made preliminary triangulation survey along the Nakasendo toward the Mt. Asama in late 1875, and stayed at Karuizawa and Oiwake. He told the travel to his family and friends including Shaw, it was so nice place especially for summer resort of foreigners.



Gubbins Family at Karuizawa, 1897. MVA.

Gubbins Family at Karuizawa, 1897. MVA.

Gubbins Family at Karuizawa, 1899. MVA.

June 27, 2023: Kobayashi Hachiro and Kinbara Meizen. マクヴェイン測量学校第一期の小林八郎と金原明善

--Kobayashi Hachiro entered at McVean's survey school in 1872 with recommendation of Yamao Yozo, and awarded scholarship for study at the Britain. Unfortunately he had to return to Japan due to Okubo's revision of government scholarship programme, and entered at the Imperial College of Engineering, which was opened by the Public Works/Kobu-sho in 1873. When the PW was founded in 1871, the Civil Works/Doboku-ryo had to move under the Ministry of PW, but refused it due to political struggle. Therefore, Kobayashi Hachiro, Minami Kiyoshi, Iizuka Yoshimitsu, students of civil engineering of the ICE, could not find suitable practical training site within the PW. Civil Works Department was eventually joined in the Ministry of Home Affairs in early 1874. Graduates of civil engineering department of the EIC had to work several years within the PW, and preferred to work at the Railways Department. Kobayashi was exception. He accepted offer of scholarship from Kinbara Meizen with support of Otori Keisuke, and studied in Europe for 3 years, then worked for Meizen's Tenryugawa River Improvement Company in 1883.


May 22, 2023: Brunton's Behavior  During the first half of 1869.1869年前半のブラントンの行動

--Henry Brunton, Chief Engineer of the Lighthouse Board was too busy in the first half of 1869 to manage his main job, since he was asked advice for railway construction between Yokohama and Tokyo by Harry Parkes, British minister to Japan. Then, McVean and Blundell, both Assistant Engineer of the Board, had to do everything by themselves. McVean had to stay at Rock Island/Mikomotojima for 1 month and half leaving his wife and small baby at Yokohama. 


May 10, 2023: Picture of Tsushin Kawano.河野通信の顔写真

--Tsushin Kawano was appointed as a 1st commissioner of the Suvery Office and Engineering Education Board in April 1872 after Matsuo died. He always worked under  McVean until January 1874 through construction of technical schools and survey of Edo Castle and Environ, then accompanied the McVeans for the United Kingdom. But after he returned to Japan in December 1873, the survey office was taken by nearly founded Home Affairs, and he retired from that Ministry. After some years, he was hired once again by the Engineering Education of the Public Works under Yozo Yamao. McVean was not contented with Kawano's performance, particularly of his knowledge of science and engineering. I lately found his picture in the Picture of Beaurocats of Early Imperial Government (1880). He was a handsome man, but looked helpless man.  

--河野通信は、18724月、工学頭/測量正の松尾清慎の病死にともない、その後任に就任しました。マクヴェイン日記にはKAWANOと書かれており、「かわの」が正式の読み方です。河野は長州藩出身で木戸孝允に可愛がられ、山尾庸三の推挙によりこのポストに就きました。彼は、マクヴェインの下で工学寮工学校の建設と旧江戸城及びその周辺の地図作成に関わり、そしてマクヴェインの一時帰国に合わせて1873年5月から7ヶ月間の海外研修の機会が与えられました。マクヴェイン日記には村田文夫や室田秀雄に比べると大変影が薄く、マクヴェインは河野の技術官僚としての能力を認めていなかったと思われます。技術研修をそっちのけでパリに木戸に会いに出かけ、また、パリでスーツをオーダーしたもののその受け取りのためにイギリスに戻るのが遅れたりと、何の目的で渡英してきたのか分からない人物でした。1873年12月に帰国してみると、測量司は内務省に吸収されることなり、彼は休暇を取った後に辞職してしまいます。間違いなく大久保利通のやり方に不満を持ち、このような態度を取ったのだと思われます。私もこの人物についてそう関心はもっていませんでしたが、最近『明治12年明治政府官僚写真帖』にその河野通信の写真を発見しました。ハンサムな人物ですが、どこかか弱い、影の薄い印象です。明治12年、林董とともに工部少書記官を勤めており、その後河野は越知に改姓します。詳しくは、<Japanese Science & Engineering><Glossary>を参照願います。


April 30, 2023: Leyeemoon in Yokosuka Arsenal横須賀造船所における鯉魚門/太平丸

--The Japan Weekly Mail of October 8, 1870, reported working condition of the Yokosuka Arsenal, describing that  "An old steamer, the Ly-ee-moon, formerly belonging to Dent & Co., lies there in 28 feet of water. There is accommodation here for six large vessels." Newly founded government intended to repair the Lyeemoon at the Arsenal, but soon gave up it, and negotiated sale of the vassal with the Vulcan Foundry. Then, McVean met Yozo YAMAO, in charge of the arsenal and was so surprised with Yamao's English of Glasgow dialect. He could not believe Yamao's story in Glasgow, and immediately wrote letter to his father to ask what Yamao really have done there.  Through these process, McVean got close friend with Yamao both in business and personal relation. 

--1870年10月8日号ジャパン・ウィークリー・メール誌は、横須賀製鉄所(造船所)の稼働状況を報告しており、その中に鯉魚門/太平丸についての記述がありました。修理を待って湾内に係留中とあり、新政府は最初これを修理しようとしていたのがわかります。民部省製鉄所掛の山尾庸三は横浜のヴァルカン鉄工所を呼び寄せ、修理について話し合うわけですが、この時、マクヴェインは山尾がグラスゴー訛りの英語をしゃべるのに気付きました。山尾がグラスゴーにいたことに大変驚き、マクヴェインは父親にそのことを手紙で伝え、そして山尾の話が本当なのか確認してもらいました。これで公文録とマクヴェイン文書のすべてのつじつまが合いました。父親の手紙には横須賀はYokoska、山尾はYozo YAMAOと書かれていました。

April 23, 2023: Great Disappointment in Kelly Kano's Article on SARAI magazine.サライ誌におけるケリー狩野氏の記事

--I just read an article of latest SARAI magazine written by Kelly Kano, and so disappointed with her writing attitude. She made a lot of mistakes although she read my book. McVean was not an assistant of Brunton, but an Assistant Engineer of the Lighthouse Board. The Assistant Engineer is a title of ranking in the board, and of course Assistant Engineers have to work under the direction of Chief Engineer. A photo of Brunton's Residence at Benten Yokohama was owned by a descendent of George Wauhchop, who presented the Yokohama City Archives in 1996. 


March 23, 2023: "Notes on Japan (1874)" added in <Diaries and Letters>.1874年「日本についてのノート」講演原稿

--McVean's "Notes on Japan" is an essential source to argue how he saw Japan. It was added in McVean's <Diary and Letter.>

--マクヴェインがどのように日本を理解していたかを議論するにあたって、彼の講演記録『日本についてのノート』は最重要資料です。全文を<Diary and Letter>に追加し、解題を附しました。

February 13, 2023: Two Pictures of "Mt Fuji viewed through raging waves."マクヴェインと北斎の「荒浪の間に見える富士山」絵

--When I visited Isle of Lewis to meet Andrew McVean in 2012, I found very interesting painting with initial CAM. It was painted by Colin A. McVean, and looked something like Mt Fuji. However, I could not identify whether it was really Mt. Fuji at that time, and forgot it for more than 10 years. One of my friends recently sent me pictures of his journey, one of which was a view of Mt. Fuji viewed from Shonan Beach, Kanagawa. The painting point and composition are almost same to McVean's painting,  the tossed yacht on left-side and dignified Fuji-yama on right-side contrastly. I simply remembered this composition was from Hokusai's picture "Mt. FUji viewed through raging waves." So, McVean was inspired by Hokusai's picture and painted Mt Fuji in that way to decorate his living room.


McVean's Painting of Mt Fuji and windstorm viewed from a shore, probably Kanagawa Offshore. 富士山と荒波に翻弄されるヨット。湘南海岸ではなく三浦半島東側からの風景と思われる。

Photo of Mt Fuji viewed from the Shonan Offshore.湘南海岸から見た富士山

Hiroshige's Ukiyoe Mt Fuji and Storm viewed from the Kanagawa offshore. 神奈川沖の浪裏に見える富士山

February 2, 2023: McVean's stance Japanese Civilisation. マクヴェインの日本文明に関する理解と思い

--McVean's stance to Japanese civilization is quit different from Henry Brunton's. Brunton believed that Imperial Japan had to accept all of western essence for his modernization, while McVean was negative against Japan's overall modernization. The McVeans soon loved living in Japan as soon as they arrived at Yokohama in July 1868. People were honest and kind, and scenery was so splendid for them. The McVeans learned Japanese history and culture, then McVean presented short lecture at Edinburgh in December 1873 when he returned to home shortly. McVean understood that Japan consisted of hundreds of clans under the Tokugawa Shogunate authority. It was something similar to feudal Scotland of the 17th century, when clans of the Highland were existence under Scotland Kingdom. Scotland finally accepted  the united authority, but several clans challenged it under the name of Jacobite movements. Potato famine attacked the Highlands in 1840s. Feudal Japan was succeeded by Imperial authority, which was eagerly and rapidly following western civilisation. McVean recalled own history of the Highlands and felt sympathy for Japan losing old civilisation.


January 22, 2023: Founder of Benchmarks Around Central Tokyo.東京中心部の水準記号(几号水準点)設置者→工部省測量司

--In May 1872,  McVean started detailed survey over former Edu Castle and central Tokyo by order of Yamao Yozo, Vice Minister of Public Works, beside Henry Joyner, he hired Cartman, Stevens and Wilson from Railway Department soon, and invited Hardy and McAutor from British India, and Cheesman and from Britain. They completed survey work and map drawing works by the end of 1873, just before the Survey Office was absorbed by newly founded Home Affairs. The original maps were burn down by a fire taken place in July 1874. The Benchmarks and triangulation makers around central Tokyo were set by the Survey Office under Public Works, not by under Home Affairs. Description of the Yamana Reien made mistake, the benchmark was set by Survey Office of PW, by of HA.


桜田門礎石に刻まれた水準記号Benchmark inscribed by Survey Office of Public Works in 1873.

January 20, 2023: Review of My Latest Publication in "History of Science". 『科学史』2022年10月号書評における拙著レビューについて



January 17, 2023: Lyeemoon/Taihei-maru connection between  Murota and McVean.鯉魚門/太平丸について

--Murota Hideo Joined in Anti-Imperial government force, and gave up at Hakodate after long battle lines from Edo to Hakodate. He left memoirs of the rebellion, entitled "Memoirs of Battles in Southern Ezo (1868)." Original texts are preserved at the University of Tokyo, and attached sketches at Hakodate City Library. Illustrator of the sketches may be Murota, as he had a sense of survey and drawing. There are two interesting sketches, Taihei-maru  and Lyeemoon ship. Lyeemoon  ship was originally owned Dent & Co, with commercial base at Lyeemoon of Hong Kong, When the Lyemoon arrived at Yokohama in 1864, it was purchased by the Shogunate and renamed as Taihei-maru. So, these were same ship as seen in two sketches excepting painting. When Admiral Enomoto was going to leave Edo with the ships, Taihei-maru was abandoned due to breakdown of steam engine. Imperial government confiscated it, but could not repair it. Then, it was sold for foreigners, and McVean and his friends bought it and repaired it. McVean hired a mechanical foreman to repair it, finally could sell it to Hudson, Malcolm & Co. I wonder Murota and McVean, both noticed  they were connected by Lyeemoon/Taihei-maru too. See <Lyeemoon><McVean Index>.

--I just found that Mr. Michio Yamada wrote about this Taihei-maru in a magazine 'La Mer" of March 1991. According to his research, Taihei-maru or Lyeemoon was designed by James Ash, and built by the Thames Dockyard in 1859 by order of Dent. Co. It was a fastest side-wheeler vessel in the world. 

--Another more valuable information on Lyemoon is P. Barry's "Dockyard Economy and naval Power (1863)." According to Barry, James Ash designed high speed ships mostly for Peninsula & Oriental Co., and one for Dent & Co., Ly-ee-mon. See <Lyemoon><McVean Index>.


--つい最近、山田廸生氏が『ラ・メール』誌1991年3月号の連載「名船発掘」にこの太平丸を取り上げられているのを知った。氏によれば、同船は1859年にテムズ同船所で建造され、最高速度17ノット時を誇る当時最速の外輪輸送船であった。設計はジェームス・アッシュで、ロンドンで建造された。See McVean Index>Lyemoon>.

--もう一つの新たな情報源はP. Barry's "Dockyard Economy and naval Power (1863)"で、ジェームス・アッシュは1850年代後半のすぐれた造船技師で、ペニンスラ・アンド・オリエンタル社に10数隻、デント商会に1隻を設計造船した。デント商会に納めた船舶がこのレイモン号であった。

--さらにもう一つ、マクヴェイン文書の1873年ヨーロッパ行き鯉魚門号乗船広告は、マクヴェインはこの船舶の修理を終えて、ハドソン・マルコム社に売却し、そして同社がロンドンに持ち帰る際に、横浜で乗船客を募集したものであった。 See McVean Index>Lyemoon.




January 4, 2023: Commemorative Picture of the Observatory of the Transit of Venus大野誠所有の御殿山金星観測記念写真

--There was a small exhibition of the 150th anniversary of Japan's Railways at Hoppo Bunka Hakubutsukan/Northern Culture Museum, Niigata city. Ohno Makoto was born at Shibata domain, now Shibata city, and became a technocrats of the Railways Department of of early Meiji government. His descendants preserve a lot of archive related to railways development of early Meiji period. The Museum presented Ono's archives, one of which was a memorial photograph of the observation of the transit of Venus at Gotenyama. There are at least two original photographs, which were taken by John Black and Moser at certain interval. Black used one for his publication "The Far East," while McVean possessed another one in his archives. It was a big surprise for me that Ono also possessed the later photograph in his archives. Although the observation of Venus was originally planned by the Survey Department of the Public Works in February 1873, but executed by the Geography Department of the Home Affairs in December 1874, and so, technocrats of the Public Works were not eligible to take part in the observation any more. However, some of technocrats/officers of the Public Works who were scientifically interested in the observation  might come to Gotenyama, possibly Ono Makoto was present.

--日本鉄道開業150周年記念事業として、昨年、新潟市の北方文化博物館(旧伊藤文吉邸)が明治初期鉄道寮官僚大野誠所有の古文書を展示していました。大野は新発田藩出身で、工部大輔伊藤博文の下で佐藤政養や小野友五郎らと一緒に鉄道導入に尽力しました。博物館が展示した鉄道関連文書の中に、御殿山の金星日面通過観測の記念写真があることに大変驚き、昨年12月始めに博物館に伺いました。この観測の計画は、1873年2月にマクヴェインが工部少輔山尾庸三に進言したもので、その後、内務省が発足すると、同省地理寮が実施母体となりました。当日の様子を紹介する朝野新聞の記事には、出席者の中に工部省官僚の名前はなく、工部省関係者たちはこの記念写真に同席する権利がなかったのだと思います。工部卿伊藤博文は、この観測実施伺いが出された1874年11月24日には内務卿代理を務めていたから、出席することができたのでしょう。当日は、ジョン・ブラックがモーサーとハーリーの手を借りて50枚以上の写真を撮り、多くは金星日面通過観測の場面ですが、人物記念写真は時間をおいて少なくとも2枚撮影されました。一枚はブラックの『ファー・イースト』誌に掲載され、それとは別のものがマクヴェイン文書の中にあります。大野誠が持っていたのが後者写真と同じもので、大野は科学的関心から当日御殿山観測所に来て、後日、ブラックかマクヴェインから記念写真を入手したものと思われます。大野が来ているなら小野友五郎も来ていたんじゃないかとか、御殿山のカメラ・オブスクラに入ったんじゃなかとか大変気になります。朝野新聞の記事と『ファー・イースト』写真以外に、日本側に御殿山金星日面通過観測を記録したものは発見されておりません。最も詳しい解説は、John F. Campbell's My Circular Notes (1876)の中にあります。

December 24, 2022: Identification of Mason who apeared in McVean's Diary. マクヴェイン日記におけるメイソンの特定

--This Mason first appeared in McVean's Diary in January 22, 1875.  According to Japanese official records, William Benjamin Mason was appointed as telegraph engineer by government in October 1874, and arrived at Yokohama in February 1875. This Mason must be same one in McVean's Diary. But later Mason's arrival date is wrong, since he visited McVean's residence in January 22. As McVean described this Mason's father was R.H. Mason living in Temple Club, Strand, London, his father should be Reginald Herbert Mason, RGS., well known writer and traveller. I do not know this Mason's background, but he was so intellectual enough and close friend of Basil Hall Chamberlin. See <McVean's Index><William Benjamin MASON>.

※このメイソンは1875年1月22日のマクヴェイン日記に初めて登場する。日本側の記録では、1874年10月、イギリス人のウィリアム・ベンジャミン・メイソンが日本政府と雇用契約を結び、1875年2月に電信技師として来日したことになっている。マクヴェイン家に出入りしていたメイソンはこの人物に間違いはないが、来日時期について日本側の記録が間違っている。マクヴェインは彼の父親の名前をR.H.Mason、その住所をロンドンのテンプル・クラブとしているので、この人物はレジナルド・ハーバート・メイソンReginard Harbert Masonであろう。彼は"Pictuters of Life in Mexico (1852)"という絵入り旅行記を著し、イギリス国内でよく知られた旅行作家であり、絵の腕も達者だった。マクヴェインはレジナルドと知り合いで、その息子が明治政府雇いになったことで大和屋敷のマクヴェイン家によく顔を出すようになったと思われる。このメイソンの経歴は定かではないが、相当な教養があり、バジル・ホール・チェンバレンは『日本事物誌Things Japanese』を執筆するに当たり、このメイソンから多大な協力を得たと述べている。

December 21, 2022: Loss of Edo Castle Surveyed Maps by May 1873 Fire. 1873年5月の旧江戸城火災と皇居地図の喪失

--McVean was ordered by Yamao Yozo to survey and map former Edo Castle and surrounding in May 1872 just after completion of Ginza Redeveloment Scheme. Yamao intended to take initiative for construction of new imperial palace at this site. McVean and Joyner made effort to complete the survey and map for a year, and submitted it to Yamao around when McVean left Japan for Britain in March 1873. These maps were first complete measured one, but unfortunately government facilities within the former Edo Castle were all burn down by Fire of May 1873, including the original measured maps. I wonder McVean and Joyner did not produce a couple of copies,,,,.


December 2, 2022: Notes on Career of Hayashi Tadasu.林董の経歴に関する備忘録

--Hayashi Tadasu was once of government officer in early Meiji government, and contributed to foundation of the Imperial College of Engineering, although he had no technical background. his early life and career are so interesting, and so I have to read his memoir "Atowa Mukashi no Ki."


(1) 祖父祖母:祖父の佐藤藤佐(とうすけ、前から読んでも後ろから書いても同じ!)は、庄内藩遊佐町升川(飽海郡直江村)の出である。祖先の佐藤三郎兵衛嗣信の代より租税を免されたといわれる豪農。幼少時に父を失い、19歳で心機一転大決心の上に江戸に出てきた。とある旗本のところで仲間奉公していたとき、主人に認められ士分に取り立てられた。川崎在稲毛村の田辺正右衛門のところで仕事をした縁で、その娘ふじと結婚し田辺の家業を継ぐことにした。訴訟事件の解決を得意とし、任侠の気に富んだ豪傑肌の人だった。再び江戸に出て旗本の家に奉公していたとき、庄内藩主酒井家は身に覚えのない不始末により国替えが言いつけられた。祖父は旧藩主の災厄を黙視せず、将軍の寵臣の悪巧みをその証拠をもって町奉行に訴えた。国替えは中止となり、酒井家より300石の禄を贈られた。長男が泰然信圭、次男が然僕信庸、長女ふくは斉藤に、次女きせは長谷川に嫁いだが、三女きたの嫁ぎ先は不明。

(2) 父母:父の泰然は旗本の伊奈遠江守に仕えながら、蘭学を学ぶ。32歳の時、伊奈家の職を辞し、また妻子を江戸に残して長崎に医術修行にでかけた。4年後、天保9年、江戸に戻り、領国薬研堀に開業。最初、江戸の酒井家の医師も勤めたが、祖父へのねたみや恨みにいやけがさし天保14年、知人であった佐倉藩家老の渡辺に誘われて、江戸の家を高弟の林洞海に譲り、佐倉に移住することにした。董が12歳の時、佐倉藩家老の処置に快からぬことがあり、佐倉の家を養子の佐藤舜海に譲り、妻の縁を頼りに横浜で隠居生活。董13歳の時、義兄の林洞海のところに養子に入り、統三郎と改称した。というのは林洞海の子の統三郎が夭折し、死亡届を出さなかったため、正式な養子縁組を経ずに、林家の子供となった。妻方の親戚の通弁の山内六三郎のところに董を伴い同居し、隠居仕事に医を生業とした。


(3) 董は嘉永3年2月22日、桜本町の佐藤家に生まれる。父親47歳、母親は41歳。幼名を信五郎という。二人の兄は夭折。両親が横浜に引っ越し、そこの通弁の山内家に同居する内、董もまた英語を学ぶことにした。最初はウォルッシュホール商会書記のウェルマンに、嗣いで、ジョセフ・ヒコ、さらに14歳の時から宣教師ヘップバーンのもとで習う。





(4) すでに戊辰戦争が始まっており、その頭領は義兄の榎本武揚だった。榎本は、林研海の妹たつと結婚していた。6月24日、領国薬研堀の林家に逗留しているときに、榎本が現れ、彼から種々の時勢談を聞き及んだ。榎本に従い、撫したる道を行くことを決心し、父母の許可を得る。8月20日、榎本と永井玄蕃はは官軍に従わず、江戸脱走する旨の趣意書を起草し、林はそれを英語に翻訳しハリー・パークスに送った。海路仙台を経て、10月10日頃函館着も、体調すこぶる悪く、しばし養生する。明治2年3月、北上する官軍艦船を宮古湾で待ち伏せし、要撃するる計画が持ち上がると、血気盛んな董はこれに率先して参加。しかし、戦闘は甲賀や松岡の奮戦もむなしく、榎本軍は箱館に敗走。同年5月官軍に降伏し、主謀者たちは皇裁を仰ぐために江戸に連行され、その他は箱館あるいは青森で囚虜の身となる。


(5) 榎本、荒井、大鳥、松平、永井らは禁固4年の後、恩赦。董は明治3年4月10日に禁固を解かれ、他の箱館収容者とともに静岡藩に引き渡される。横浜の父宅に戻ったところ、旧知の山東一郎の訪問あり。山東から,彼の学校で英語を教えるように依頼される。その学校は早稲田にあり、山東の紹介で大隈重信や伊藤博文と面識をもつ。箱館戦争と囚虜生活を経て、英語教師の仕事には耐えきれずに、数ヶ月にして横浜に戻る。明治3年10月頃、米国公使デロングに雇われ、通訳官となる。明治4年4-5月頃、陸奥宗光に請われて,彼の通訳秘書となる。4年7月14日の廃藩置県廃の後、陸奥が神奈川県知事となり、董も神奈川県奏任出仕となる。これを契機に、両親は弁天の地所を売り払い、神奈川に家屋を新築する。


(6) 明治4年10月8日、岩倉使節団の計画を小松済治より耳にして、横浜出張の伊藤博文に面会を申し込み、使節団随行を懇願。数日後、大使附属二等書記官に命ぜられる。米国との条約改正交渉は諦め、1872年6月頃、使節団一行は英国に渡る。董は真っ先に、英皇に謁見のために使節並びに書記などの礼服を調製することを命ぜられる。在日本の山尾大輔より工学寮の学校のため教師を雇い入れる事を依頼される。使節は大陸に渡っていたが、明治6年2月頃、董はロンドンに戻り、ヒュー・マセソンと会い、彼が人選した教師団を引率してサザンプトンを出発。


(7) 明治6年5月頃、日本に戻るとともに工学助を拝命し、工部大学校の創立に従事する。

November 17, 2022: McVean and James Butt's Records of Kii-Oshimaマクヴェインとジェームス・バットの紀伊大島の記録

--I visited Kii-Oshima to examine and identify McVean and James Butt's records on November16, 2022. Oshima Bay and village has been a base of whale fishing since the end of Edo period, but the prosperity disappeared during rapid industrialization. No more old houses and buildings, but a distant view is same.


Butt's Sketching Points and View Direction.バットのスッケチ場所と描写方向

November 2, 2022: Who/what is Kobayashi Hachiro?小林八郎とは何者だったのか

--Kobayashi was one of the first students of McVean's survey school, and given scholarship to study at Britain in 1873. He left Japan for London together with the McVeans, but soon returned to Japan by end of the year, probably because of Okubo's revision of scholarship programme. He proceeded into engineering school, later the Imperial College of Engineering, and graduated civil engineering course, then joined into Kinbara's River Improvements Corp., Hamamatsu. After several years, he entered into public service at the Home Affairs. Coincidently, Kobayashi of same name, started started writing works at Tokyo. This Kobayashi Hachiro, published published a large number of interesting books related ethics and geography. I wonder these two Kobayashi Hachiro were same figure....


October 15, 2022: "William Christie, Astronomer Royal Visited Japan under care of British Embassy.クリスティ・グリニッジ天文台長の来日




37. Gubbns to Satow (p.73)

Shiba, March 7"/96

Dear Sir Ernest。

I saw Professor Terao and he told me that the places in the Hokkaido for the observation of the eclipse had not Yet been settled. Three places were spoken of but the final decision would be made only after the printed report of the weather observations conducted in Yezo [the older name of Hokkaido] for the last 3 years had

been published. This report would be ready in a few days and he would send me a copy for Your information as Soon as it was In his hands.

He added that it would probably be found convenient for the various Commissions to travel overland to Awomori and thence by sea to Otaru. taking their instruments etc. with them, as the railway journey would be safer on the whole he thought for the instruments than transport by steamer from Yokohama.

A reception committee was being formed mm Tokio but it was not yet settled whether the superintendence of all the arrangements would be managed by the Education Dept. or by the Foreign Office.

The Foreign Office he also said had already been informed some time ago through their Minister in London of the dispatch of the British Commission.

Believe me.

Yours sincerely

JH. Gubbins

38. Gubbns to Satow (p.75)

Saturday, 1.30 pm.

Dear Sir Ernest、

I handed the Memorandum to Mr Hara. and asked him to deal with the question in the same way as the case communicated by you to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on Thursday last. He said he would do what was necessary. Everything he added was just now in confusion owing to the creation of the new department wh. had as yet no V Minister.

Believe me、 Yours Sincerely

TH. Gubbins

*William Christie (1843-1921) the British Astronomer Royal was a member of the British Commission.

He left Yokohama for Hokkaido on Ju 29、1896. (Satow 's diary. Ruxton. 2003.p.113)

September 27, 2022: "McVean Walk" on December 9 around Tokyo.12月9日東京で「マクヴェイン・ウォーク&トーク」の実施

--To commemorate the observation of the transit of Venus  took place on December 9, 1874 at Gotenyama, I arranged McVean Trail starting from Ministry of Education and Science (site of former Imperial College of Engineering) to Gotenyama via Yamato Yashiki, Kuroda's Premises, site of Public Works, St. Andrew's Church, skate rink of Zoujyouji temple premises and site of Chooji Hotel and Restaurant.


August 28, 2022: Karuizawa pictures from Helen Gubbins.Lヘレン・ガビンズから軽井沢写真

--Helen Brodie returned to Japan after marriage with John H. Gubbins, and sent letters to her parents at Mull. She attached quit many pictures of Japan, including of Karuizawa where the Gubbins spent their summer vacation. See <Japan Photograph>.


August 12, 2022: Correction of Description文言の修正

--'Murata, a commissioner of the survey office was intentionally or consequently removed from Tokyo headquarters to Osaka branch office" was a contradiction. Intentionally and Consequently are not comparative, so it must be "Probably intentionally, or even not, Murata was consequently removed......"


July 23, 2022: Location of Meteorological Observation at Yamato-Yashiki.大和屋敷の気象観測所の場所



July 4, 2022: Wedding Party of John H. Gubbins and Hellen McVean at Edinburgh.エジンバラにおけるガビンズとヘレンの結婚披露宴

--Wedding Party took place at Robert Boog Watson's Residence, Edinburgh in 1894. Probably Professor Charles Wyville Thomson and his colleagues were invited to the party.


June 30, 2022: A Myth of Holy Foreigner and Whale Fishing in Kii-Ooshima.紀伊大島におけるまれびと信仰と捕鯨

--I misunderstood that Ooshima where McVean visited in May 8 1869 was Izu-Ooshima. According to Dr.Hori's advice, it was Kii-Ooshima, and I carefully once again examined McVean's description and read Brunton's description. The Diaries said,

Saturday May 8. Weather fine. Notwithstanding which I was pretty seasick –arrived in Oösima  abt 5 [AM?] in time to land and have a short walk  - country very pretty – the Harbour very good in all weathers  Carrell came on board in the evening  to report himself. 

Sunday May 9. Weather fine. Started at 8 a.m. for Light Ho. point – with Blundell and Carrell saw a shark and a number of birds of different kinds ospreys cranes, a sort of small heron and others – landed and had a climb to the site of Lt Ho. – found that the foundations had been taken out much too deep so B. ordered [Carell] to fill up a ft or two -  got back to the ship at noon – had Tiffin and started for {Susw?} Misaki, the other lighthouse site – found the same mistake had been made there - country very pretty, enjoyed the walk much – saw two large Japan whales being towed in just caught – so on our return – we went to see them landed while steam was being got up  -  a great number of Japs – there also who crowded round us and examined our clothes skin beards & c. but all in a good humoured way a large crowd followed us for the rest of the evening – and I had to threaten to knock one of most forward of them down -  8 a.m. started for Simoda.

Monday May 10. Weather fine. at sea all day arrived at Simoda at 5 p.m. landed and had a short walk –

--Distance from Shimoda to this Ooshima was far away, half day navigation by the Tomio-maru, and so, this Ooshima was not Izu-Ooshima, but Kii-Ooshima, where Blundell supervised construction of lighthouse at Kashinozaki. There was another lighthouse construction site nearby, which McVean wrote as [Sumo??] something. According to Brunton's "Japan Lighthouses," it was Shiono-Misaki. Brunton did not write anything about the village, but McVean described scenery of village and people's attitude. The village was a base of the whale-fishing, and people heartedly welcome foreigners and entertained them. A half century later,  Origuchi Shinobu, a Japanese Ethnologist found that the people of this area had a myth of the Holy Foreigners, and McVean was the Holy Foreigners.

--JIn the end of 1869, the H.M.S. Sylvia called on the Ooshima, and James Butt, one of the staffs, illustrated a scene of Ooshima with caption "return from whale-fishing."

'started for [Susw?] Misaki' in diary dated May 9, 1869. [Susw] must be Siono, so it will be Shiono-Misaki/潮岬。

"Ooshima Lighthouse," Far East 1871.大島灯台、すなわち樫野崎灯台




・下田港からこの大島まで灯明丸で9~12時間かかっていることから、この大島は伊豆大島ではないことは間違いなく、ブラントンの『日本の灯台Japan Lighthouses(1878)』を読むと、神子元島と同時に紀伊大島灯台建設を行っていました。文字判読不可だった「Suwo?岬」が潮岬であると想定すると、ここが紀伊大島であることに矛盾はなくなります。『明治政府測量師長マクヴェイン』の増刷改訂の節には修正しよう。さらに、以下の2点を加筆したい。一つは、江戸末期に南紀の紀伊大島は捕鯨の基地となっていたことと、二つ目はそこの村人は外国人に異常に興味を示す「まれびと信仰」を持っていたことです。折口信夫の民俗研究の成果で


June 6, 2022: Meteorological Interest by Abe Masatake and Masanao.阿部正桓・正直親子の気象学への関心

--Abe Masatake, former Daimyo and Murata's friend, approached to McVean, who established  collaboration with the Scottish Meteorological Society and the Challenger's Expedition. There was an indirect connection between McVean and Abe Masanao, Masatake's son who would became a meteorologist with strong interest in cloud science. 


June 5, 2022: Murata Fumio and "Chart of the Word (1874)."村田文夫訳『輿地新図』について

--When McVean and Kawano Michinobu were away home, Murata, acting 1st commissioner of the Survey Office  translated and published interesting book entitled "A Chart of the World/Yochi-Shinzu(1874)." The original author was Herman Berghaus , and his publication was "Chart of the world on Mercators projection. It was first published in 1863 in English, and revised many times to show the latest scientific and geographical findings including climatic zones, sea currents, air currents, cloud science, etc.  Although this chart and description are very significant in development of science in modern Japan, people does not know it.

マクヴェインと河野通信がイギリスに出張中に、測量正代理を務めていた村田文夫はある重要な本の翻訳出版に関わる。マクヴェインから留守中の業務を指示されながらサイドビジネスに精を出すとはなんと不謹慎なことかと思うが、この図書は日本の科学史上大変重要なものである。村田自身科学技術に疎かったが、その当事の日本に西洋から何を紹介すべきかという臭覚は鋭いものがあった。ドイツ人地理学者が英語で出版した地球地図とその説明書で、開成学校の西村とともに『輿地新図附録(1874年)』として出版した。本書以前、村田の『西洋聞見録』や福沢諭吉の『西洋事情』は西洋文明を紹介したが、本書は地球の科学的知見を紹介したことで画期的なのである。気候帯、空気流、海流、雲形状などなど地球科学に目を向けさせるもので、それは気象観測として測量司の将来業務となるはずだった。測量司が内務省に移管され、旧幕臣土木寮技官との抗争や大久保による事業縮小がなかったなら、マクヴェンとジョイナーのもとで大きな花が咲いたはずである。村田に関して新たに判明したことは、彼の西洋文明への関心は近代国家から地球地域個々人の多様なあり方に移り、それが大久保を毛嫌いすることになった。この英語版のChart of the Worldはインターネット上でさまざまな出版年のものが公開されているが、村田が『附録』として称して出版した解説原著が見つからない。

Climate Zones. Red Coloured area are Moderate Climate. 地球の気候帯、赤色地帯が温帯。1870年代のイギリス海軍シルヴィア号とチャレンジャー号の記録を読むと、日本周辺の海流や恒常風の存在は分かっていたが、季節的気温変化についてはまだよく分かっていなかった。当事、やっと気象観測が始まっていたが、そのレジスターは世界の科学者に共有はされていなかった。

A Cloud Type.シルリユス雲。これ以外に3種類の雲形状が説明されている。

Longest Rivers and Highest Mountains.最長河川と最高山

May 31, 2022: Diagram of McVean's Friends and Working Partners in 1872-76.マクヴェインの友人関係図


McVean's Friends and Working Partners in 1872-76


May 27, 2022;  McVean's and Cowan's Family Members s マクヴェイン家とコーワン家の家系図

--I created family tree of McVean's and Cowan's to show their relationship. Alexander Cowan, papermaker had  a large number of children ranging from Charles to Mary Wood with 36 years gap. Helen, first daughter married Allan Menzies, professor of Edinburgh University and their daughter married Campbell Douglass. Douglas was  a nephew in law of McVean ¥, but he was 10 years older than McVean. One of McVean's niece was Helen Brodie Cowan Watson, who became an author of Children's books including "Little Black Sambo."


Family Tree of Colin A. McVean and Mary Wood Cowan

コリン A. マクヴェインとマリー W. コーワンの家系図

May 19, 2022: Meteorological Observation by British Navy at Yokohama.横浜イギリス海軍駐屯軍による気象観測

May 7, 2022: Charles Baillie in Japan's Naval School.海軍兵学寮のチャールズ・ベイリィ

--This Baillie was one of early staffs in the H..M.S. Sylvia in 1867-71 together with William Maxwell, acting Captain. He taught surveying and drawing to Japanese technical staffs led by Yangu Narayosii. Baillie was employed by the Japanese Navy to teach survey and map drawing at the Naval School in 1873 together with Douglass, He invented new sounding instruments and reported it to the Admiralty Hydrographic Office. It was used in the Challenger's expedition in 1874-75. However, in the book of History of Japan's Hydrographic Office (Suiro kyoku Enkaku shi), Baillie's work was never mentioned, although Yanagi was familiar with Baillie. Probably Yanagi hated his headquarter and never officially communicated with Baillie.

・シルヴィア号の記録と水路沿革史から、チャールズ・ベイリィが1871年前後、柳楢悦率いる日本側水路測量の指導に当たったことがわかりました。ベイリィはシルヴィア号から下船したあと、1873年にイギリス海軍ダグラス教育顧問団の一員として再来日し、兵学寮で測量の教育の任に当たります。1874年5月にマクヴェインが一時帰国から戻ると、ダグラスとベイリィは大和屋敷に頻繁に来ていました。ベイリィはとても興味深い人物で、新型の測深機を発明し、その見本をイギリス海軍水域局に送ると、チャレンジャー号海洋探検隊で試用されことになりました。残念なことに、兵学寮に所属したベイリィは水路局と交流を持たなかったようで、水路局の柳は旧知のベイリィを遠ざけ、彼から知識技術を学ぼうとしなかったようです。柳のこの行動は攘夷に由来するのではなく、イギリスと親しくして幕府の転覆を謀った薩長勢力への対抗心から来ていると思われます。具体的には海軍の川村への対抗心か。ベイリィは帰国後、イギリス気象事務所Met Officeの海洋部長を務めました。

SOURCE; History of Japan' Hydrographic Office水路部沿革史p.55.





April 16, 2022: Japanese Interpreters  worked for Lighthouse construction with McVean.灯台建設に関わった日本人通訳者たち

1-1. SOURCE: McVean's Diary 1869出典、1869年マクヴェイン日記

Saturday Apr 10, 1869. Simoda   -  Squally

--Landed remainder of timber for Huts – too blowy to take it out to Rock so had it all put into a large junk to wait first fair opportunity –

Walked to the Awa quarry with Brunton,  Brown, Hiasawa, Saito, Murayama,  & c .– very pretty country – found people putting up a temporary theatre near the quarry  -  saw stone already ordered for Light house – Evening still blowing hard  Marks sleeps on shore tonight in the Temple -  I remain on board  -  Japanese Man of War came in commanded by one of Satsuma’s men.

Monday Jul 5, 1869. Fine  -  night wet.

--Employed looking after work and waiting a report of state of affairs on the Rock  -  fr Mr B & Terashima in  hopes that some change to the [beter] may be  brought about  -  but it is very hard to alter the nature of the Japs  I blame the head workmen principally for the provoking way they are going on  - Fished for a while and caught I should say from 20 to 30 small things like cuddies  -  The Japanese were rather surprised to see the [Trgin] catching fish as fast or faster than they did themselves but it was not the first time I fished for cuddies from a carraig  -

 Tuesday Jul 6, 1869. Blowing fresh

--Tender not able to come off – Men on the Rock a little more biddable than usual as they are afraid something is being done about them – at headquarters  -

Wednesday Jul 7, 1869. Fine  -

--B X a.m. The Tomie’s smoke in sight  - Tyinagawa (Shinagawa?) off in the Tender  -  he told me of the arrest by the Govr of Ishizaka  -  Lighthouse commissioner at Simoda and old Fugia the contractor  -  for swindling in connexion with the Light Ho [h…]  -  and hinted it would be a case for (Hara kiri)  -  I am sorry for Ishizaka as he was rather a nice fellow  -  Tyinagawa also hinted that it might also be his own fate by and by  -  and did not seem to relish the prospect.  he went through the motion cutting himself up – made a wry face – and said it was  “no goodo”  - in which I quite agreed with him  - Got in to Simoda just after the Tomio – found Mr Brunton had come but not Mary  -  I was on the whole both pleased that she did not as it is not a fit place this for  baby  -  slept on board the Tomio

Thursday Jul 8, 1869. fine

--Tender alongside with steam up at ½ past 8 a.m. got on board with Mr & Mrs Brunton. Colonel (Brazin?)  Capt Brown, Ueno san vice Governor of Yokohama   -  Jewry  the new timekeeper and others  -  and off abt 9 pm  Mikomoto had a good passage – and landed comfortably  Mr Saito and Tyinagawa arriving a little while after us in their boat  -  Had Tiffin in my house and then had some new arrangements made as to work dicipline &c on the Rock which I hope will be of benefit  -

Mr & Mrs Brunton remained with me the rest of the party went back to Simoda in the evening  -

The news of Ishisaka’s and Fugia’s arrest by the Govr confirmed by this time  -  suppose they have committed (Hara Kiri) or had their heads taken off

Friday Jul 9, 1869. wet and disagreeable

“Tinio Maru” off for Mr & Mrs Brunton but they both felt sick and not inclined to face it so the Tomio was sent back to her old quarters in Simoda to wait for a better day

Saturday Jul 10, 1869. Fresh breeze

--Mr & Mrs Brunton still with me  -  as the “Tomio” did not come out today  Mrs Brunton seems to enjoy being on shore anywhere out of the “Tomio Maru”  -  Brunton very impatient  - New arrangements have not had time to work yet  -

Sunday Jul 11, 1869. Showery  -

--Tender off at 8 a.m. with Hirasawa who comes to relive Tyinagawa (Shinagawa?) who goes to [Yedo] under arrest  - Mr & Mrs Brunton leave for Nagasaki &c in the “Tomie” abt X a.m. Went to the office in the evening and saw the men mustered got a number of the names taken down  -  and I think made Hiasawa understand that I was to be master and not he  he did not seem to like my goings on at all –

Monday Jul 12, 1869. Blowing fresh

--Employed  - [Ng……y ] to get things with working order  - Read some of “The Only Farm care” &c and made some calculations in connexion with the Light Ho. Had a fire in the lime kiln

Tuesday  Jul 13, 1869. Calm  afternoon wet  -

--Tender off with a lot of timber  -  Mr Coto came also, but did not appear to have any particular business -  gave some orders for material  -  at work on Light Ho - drawings  -

Lime  kiln finished

Wednesday Jul 14, 1869. Fair  - ½ day

--Tender not off today.  I suppose from its being a great Japanese holiday.  they made it out to be too rough to cross  -  men at work in the afternoon – but not very heartily – as they think it very hard to  have to work on “[Aki Dintag” ]  I have got Jewry the timekeeper at work to try and [ferit]  out of the men how much they are paid as I have a very strong suspicion most of the money sticks to the fingers of the Yakonines  it is  very difficult to get at the truth – or even  near it 

Thursday Jul 15, 1869.  Showery

--Went to Simoda  -  Great Japanese feast in honour of the Mikado. Had Japanese Tiffin with Coto afterwards went to the Shinto Temple to see the procession found it well worth seeing – 1st came men with grotesque masks and bearing great Bows and arrows and lances – then came a frantic mob dressed in white with deamons in china ink on their clothes – carrying the “Horen” [miniature shrine] a model of the Mikado’s chair of state -   The brother of the 2d Mikado of the Dynasty – was supposed to be in it  he was a cruel tyrant and fond of fighting so all the bearers fought and apparently with great difficulty forced the Mikado into the temple after that came the big drum belonging to each street of the Town preceded by the chief men  of the street and followed by a rude band of fife, and small drums. the same frantic fighting mob in white with demons on their clothes and in some cases dancing girls with their guitars  -  as each party entered the court of the Temple they appeared to get quite frantic pushed one another about and knocked each other down in the mud.  some Shinto Priests in full dress – light green, and wearing their two swords appeared in the procession –

Friday Jul 16, 1869. Fair   very calm & hot, Tender not off

--5 men off to tend lime kiln -   kiln in fair working order now – divided the men into gangs and tried to organise some system and regularity in the work  - 

Saturday Jul 17, 1869. --Fine light breeze

--American Man of war and 2 sailing ships passed this morng.  -  got some of the Tower foundation stones into their places but not bedded  -  work going on very fairly now  -

Sunday Jul 18, 1869. Fine  -

--Tender off in the morning  -  Geng as usual; breaking his leave. Laid the foundation stone of Mikomoto Light house nearly 3 months and a half since our first landing on the rock  -  about 9 months from the date if all goes well I hope to see at least the masonry finished  - Dispatched a messenger to Yokohama with letters  -

Monday Jul 19, 1869. fine  -

--Tender off Geng back but  has kept out of sight all day  -  sent Tender to tow in stone boat  -  got her in in time to unload before dark  -  work going on pretty well now . Made some pretty good shooting with my rifle

Tuesday Jul 20, 1869. Fine  - but blowing a little

--getting on with tower foundation -   beginning to make a show now  -  Aden passed in the afternoon carrying the mails – returned our salute  -

Wednesday Jul 21, 1869. Showery

--Tender off at X a.m. went on shore to look after the quarry  -  and to order a quantity of material had Japanese tiffin with Cota – [….ri…] peaches, tea, hot saki, raw eggs and some kind of sauce &c - got back to Mikomoto abt ½ past 5 p.m. –

Thursday Jul 22, 1869. Blowing hard                      N

--Work going on as usual nothing of any importance took place  -

Friday Jul  23, 1869. Fine  -

--Tender off – Hiasawa got the better of me today, as I gave orders that 3 masons who wanted to leave the […] were not to be allowed to go till  next week – however he let them slip and then came up and told me with a long face he was very sorry but the 3 masons had escaped   -  I told Watanabi I quite understood how it was  -  but the Japanese are most pig-headed and perverse and annoying  -  Heard that Hara is back in Simoda – and Nogotché (Noguchi) come to relieve Watanabi – 3 stones 1st course of the Tower laid

Saturday Jul 24, 1869. Fine  -

--Went on shore to Simoda found a Theatre rigged up so went to see what was going on  -  The building was a temporary one made of bamboo and boarding with a stage and scenery just like a European Theatre  -  and the acting was much in the same style  -  I think the actors were all women  -

Remained at Simoda all night and got eaten up by mosquitoes in the Temple as I had no curtains –

got letters by Nogotché (Noguchi)  -

Sunday Jul 25, 1869. Fine but blowing at sea

--Went to the sulpher baths in the morning found Jewry who had come up the night before very ill  -  left him for some days in hope that baths will do him good made an attempt to get out to Mikomoto in the evening but by the time we got half way we saw it would be impossible to land so we put about  -  borrowed mosquito curtains for the night  -

Monday Jul 26, 1869. Fine

--Started for Mikomoto about 9 a.m.  found the work had progressed well during the last three days 2d of the first course of the tower [………]  -

Tuesday Jul 27, 1869. Showery

--Usual routine of work nothing new  -

Wednesday Jul 28, 1869. Morng.  very wet  -  even  -  fair

--No work   to day  - wrote letters home.  Very heavy sea on  -  and several large turtles swimming about the Rock  -  two in the creek  -  Marks & I shot one each but did not manage to pick them up  - Nogotché (Noguchi) and the new Yakomine up in the evening

1-2. Identification人物比定、彼らは3-4人が1グループとなり、1週間毎の交代勤務で下田にやってきた。

(1) Saito

・斉藤卯太郎Saito Utaro、蕃書調所勤番斉藤源蔵の息子、木村直樹「通訳たちの幕末維新」p.164。

(2) Hiasawa (Hirasawa)


(3) Maruyama


(4) Tyinagawa

・品川英介Shinagawa Eisuke、オランダ通司出身、木村直樹「通訳たちの幕末維新」p.166。

(5)  Coto? 

・工藤助作Kudo Sukesakuの可能性があるが不確定

(6) Watanabi

・渡辺牧太Watanabe Makita

「生粋の英語の通弁というのは、横山孫一郎・渡辺牧太・星亨・矢野次郎・富永冬樹・榊原保太郎・工藤助作・鳴戸義民(略)などの人々でしたが、榊原は県庁勤め、工藤は裁判所附で判事格でした」(石井光太郎・東海林静男編『横浜どんたく』上、有隣堂、1973 年)

(7) Sakakibara


(8) Noguchi

・野口源之助Noguchi Gennosuke、加藤克「明治初期の「自然史」通詞 野口源之助 : ノグチゲラの名前の由来 (試論)」北大植物園研究紀要6、2006年、1-24頁。


April 10, 2022: Features of Hebrides Survey directed by H.C. Otter.オットー中尉指揮によるヘブリディーズ測量の特徴


March 21, 2022; the McVeans and Mt. Fuji.富士山とマクヴェイン夫妻

--As soon as they started new life in the Yokohama Foreign Settlement, they were soon fascinated by beauty of Mt. Fuji. Colin ascended it in 1870. They used to watch it early in the morning, even  after they moved to Tokyo. However, after leaving Japan, they missed Mt.Fuji very much, and McVean made up his mind to draw Mt.Fuji by oil paint, and put the picture in his living room.


March 11, 2022; Career of Akiyoshi Kintoku, a building engineer of PWD. 秋吉金徳の経歴

--Dr. Hori suggested me that Akiyoshi was a talented building engineer originated from the McVean's survey office. He entered into the survey office in October 1871, and worked under McVean, Joyner and Boinville for construction of technical school/Imperial College of Engineering. In January 1874 when the survey office was absorbed by the Home Affairs, he refused to go there, and stayed at Public Works. 
