de Boinville in France born in 1850, Apprenticeship and Assistant


commenced in January 20 2011, updated in April 15, 2020.


  de Boinville's father was a missionary of British Methodist Church, and established several protestant churches all over France in the middle of the 19th century. Young de Boinville was surely inspired by construction work of these churches and made up his mind to be architect.

  Best way to be architect was to receive training under the qualified architect through apprenticeship several years, while learning some subjects at school or college. de Boinville entered the first his apprenticeship under A. Guyot at age of 15 years. Nigel, great grand son of architect Boinville believed Boinville was studying at a high school at day time, and intended to study at a university.



II. Apprenticeship建築家修業


(1) A Guyot, 1864-66


(2) Geoffroy of Cherbourg, 1866~68

  Geoffroy was a municipal architect of Cherbourg at the time. de Boinville's father moved there around 1865. So, probably de Boinville came to the city together with his father. At the time, William Henry White, a British architect was carrying out renovation work of Chateau de Martinvast, tens km away from the city centre, and got known with de Boinville's father.

(3) William Henry White's, 1868~70.

・William Henry White, a British architect, practiced several years in France, particularly for renovation of old chateaus. His best client was a German rich family, Schikler, banker of Berlin, who possessed several old chateaus in Normandy during 1850s. 

  I do not know why W.H. White got commission from banker Schikler in France at the time, and who Schikler at all.


・Anyhow, W.H. White took responsibility for the works at Chateau de Bizy, Vernon, and Chateau de Martinvast, near Cherbourg. Both are very grandeur residential architecture, and architect Boinville probably learned a lot of high class design through these works.


Owners of De Bizy

1. Andre Jubert de Bounville, marquis de Bizu 1645-1720

2. Charles-Louis-Auguste Foucquet, dec de Belle-Isle, 1648-1761.

3. Louis-Charles de Bourbon, comte de’Eu, 1701-1775

4. Louis-Jean Marie de Bourbon, duc de Penthievre, 1725-1793.

5. Louse-Marie-Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, dechese d’Orleans, 1753-1821.

6. Louis-Philippe, duc d’Orleans, roi des Francais, 1773-1850.

7. Ferdinand-David-Georges, baron Schikler, 1835-1909.

8. Ducs d’Albufera, 1909-

・I visited to Normandy to have look of White's works in October 11, 2011




Fig.1 Chateau de Bizy viewed from air  

Fig.2 Viewed from top of stepped waterfall, static layout, strong design

Fig.3 Stables, Chateau de Bizy , Baroque

Fig.4 Side view of Stable

 Fig.5 Main Building, Chateau de Bizy, Baroque

Fig.6 Main Building designed by W.H. White, Neo-Classic



Fig.7 Chateau de Martinvast before WWII, renovated by W.H.White

 Fig.8 Rear side, Neo-Gothic, lively design 

Fig.9 Front side was destroyed during the WWII

 Fig.10 Room we stayed, gorgeous!

  White could handled various kinds of architectural styles. But his Neo-Gothic is very close to William Burgess'.

III. Franco-Prussian War普仏戦争従軍

IV. Paris Communeパリ・コミューンに参加