General Pages

I see the world in shades of gray, probabilities, bell curves, and equations with multiple variables. I'm always amazed that people buy into the left-right, black-white, yes-no, ordinal world that is fed to them by both the conservative and liberal media machines. This is how they make money - incite you to be angry at the other side so you will spend more time watching their channel/site/social media and they can charge more for advertising space. Next time you see a news story don't just listen but ask "Why am I seeing this story presented in this way?" Then go sit on the back porch or go for a run, walk, or bike ride and imagine what the world would be like if we could all find some common ground. That’s my 2 cents worth.

Work in Progress - as time permits I will add more sub-pages to this section.  This is a catch-all section of my page.