Mapping Projects

Google Maps is an excellent way to track the exact location of family cemeteries, old home-places, farms, churches, schools and other historical locations for not only your genealogy and family history but as a way to preserve local history for generations to come. Below are some of the projects that are underway at the Buchanan County Historical Society and some of the projects that I have started also.

It is estimated that there are somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 family cemeteries located in Buchanan County, Virginia. The majority of these cemeteries are overgrown and in danger of being lost forever. We need all the help we can in order to locate and document as many of the cemeteries as possible. This will help ensure their location and the names of those buried there can be recorded for future generations. Please contact me at or Rodney Shortt, President Buchanan Co. Historical Society, at if you know the location of any cemeteries not marked on this map. Thank you.

Another project that I started many years ago was a map to document the final resting place of as many of Buchanan County's Civil War veterans that we could. I have had lots of help with this project over the years from many different researchers. If you know the location of any Civil War veterans that are not marked on this map please let me know so we can document the veteran and add the cemetery to the Buchanan County Cemetery Project Map. Thank you.