January 2015

Date: 1-8-2015

Organization: Buchanan County Historical Society

Meeting Location: Buchanan County Public Library

Meeting Time: 6:00 PM

Type of Meeting: Monthly Meeting

Members in Attendance: Rodney Shortt, Bridget Rife, Charlie Clevinger, Danny Lowe, Ralph Rife, Bill Carter and Rita Stacy

Guests in Attendance: Gary Street and Greg Smith

The Buchanan County Historical Society met at the Buchanan County Public Library for the monthly business meeting. Rodney called the meeting to order. The minutes from November were read since there was not an official meeting or official minutes for December. Charlie made a motion to accept the minutes and Rita seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Rita gave the membership report for the BCHS Facebook page. As of the end of December, there were 1,548 members, 1,210 photos, and 17 files. Next, Rita gave the membership report for the Red Jacket Facebook page. As of the end of December, there were 329 members, 30 photos, and 3 files. Rita reminded everyone that the 2015 membership dues are being collected now.

In old business, Jim Wayne and Rodney had been gathering information on the Hale Creek Church situation. They had talked with Sonny Riggsby about surveying the property. He said he would do that when the weather improved.

In new business, Ralph announced there would be a Civil War stone dedication on April 26, 2015 at 2:00 if anyone wanted to attend. Next, Rodney shared a story about his experience with Ed Grimsley who use to be the Editor in Chief of the Richmond Times Dispatch. After the story Rodney said that Ed had sent a $500 donation to the BCHS. Rodney suggested that everyone should do a search for him on the internet. The next item of business involved the annual Red Jacket event. After some discussion about the event, Charlie made a motion to have the event on April 25, 2015. Bill Carter seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Next, Rita made a motion to have the event at the Appalachian College of Pharmacy and Charlie seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried.

After all the business was taken care, Rodney turned the meeting over to Gary Street. Gary gave a presentation and showed a video on the Watauga Valley Railroad Historical Society and Museum. Everyone seemed to enjoy learning about this topic.

Charlie made a motion to adjourn and Bill seconded the motion. The next meeting will be on February 5, 2015.


Bridget L. Rife


Buchanan County Historical Society