November 2014

Date: 11-6-2014

Organization: Buchanan County Historical Society

Meeting Location: Buchanan County Public Library

Meeting Time: 6:00 PM

Type of Meeting: Monthly Meeting

Members in Attendance: Rodney Shortt, Leona Wolford, Nathan Wolford, Bridget Rife, Ken Smith, Charlie Clevinger, and Rita Stacy

Guests in Attendance: Chris Mitchell, Chris Compton, and Harold Boyd

The Buchanan County Historical Society met at the Buchanan County Public Library for the monthly business meeting. Rodney called the meeting to order. The minutes from October were read. Charlie made a motion to accept the minutes and Nathan seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Rita announced that there are 45 paid members this year.

In old business, the deed was found to the Hale Creek Church. Rodney has a copy of the deed. The deed was last recorded in 1969. Jim Wayne will try to find someone to get the coordinates of the property. There were some concerns about the care of the property such as security, storage, and climate control. Chris Mitchell made a suggestion to get a surveyor for the property.

The next item of business was about the Christmas dinner next month. The dinner will be held at the 5th floor dining room at Buchanan General Hospital on December 4, 2014 at 6:00 PM. Nathan made a motion for the BCHS to provide the turkey, ham, and paper products and Charlie seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried. Everyone will be responsible for bringing a covered dish and their own drink. Everyone will need to confirm by November 24 and e-mail Rita with what they will be bringing. Rita will send out an e-mail to all members with this information. At the dinner, Gary Street will debut his documentary on the train excursion that took place in Grundy earlier this year.

In new business, Peggy sent Rodney a text message with the BCHS financial information. Rodney gave the group the figures. Also, Rodney shared with the group that a lady wanted to donate a piano to put in the Hale Creek Church. There wasn’t much discussion on this topic. Since the January meeting will fall on a day that the library will be closed, Ken made a motion to move our January meeting from the January 1st to January 8th. Rita seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried.

After all the business was taken care, Rodney turned the meeting over to Chris Compton. Chris gave a presentation on “The History of Marriages in the State of Virginia: Early Colonial Times to Present Day”. Everyone seemed to enjoy learning about this topic.

Nathan made a motion to adjourn and Charlie seconded the motion. The next meeting will be the Christmas dinner on December 4, 2014.


Bridget L. Rife


Buchanan County Historical Society