2015 - 2016 Race Reports

November 26, 2016 - Oxbow Ultra 6 Hour

I got to run this event with my Dad which made it extra special for me. At 76, Dad completed 20 miles in 6 hours on a challenging 5 mile trail loop. I managed to finish 25 miles but was hampered by a sore ankle that I managed to twist at about mile 0.7 - so I ran the majority of the race on a swollen ankle (it still hurts from time to time 6 months later). I should have had the sense to call it a day but I'm a little hard-headed and the thought of my first DNF kept me pushing through the pain. I hope to come back in 2017 and finish 30 miles. Here is a link to some pictures I took during the race.

April 30, 2016 - ducoMT 6-hour Adventure Race

I teamed up with Dwain Harris and we managed to win our first AR together. The weather threatened to storm but only managed some rain during the day which probably was better than a hot sunny day. Dwain and I pushed the pace all day and managed to clear the course with only 15 or so minutes to spare until the cut-off time. The course consisted of a paddle section, two trekking sections, and two mountain bike legs. We had a great time running this course and we hope to be back next year to try this one again. Here is a link to a complete write-up of our race day for anyone interested.

April 16, 2016 - The Breakdown 12-hour Adventure Race

This was my first ever Adventure Race (AR) and I made my share of mistakes as a solo team called "64 T-Bird". The Breakdown was a 12-hour race and included trekking on and off trail, mountain biking, and kayaking - hell, we even got to take an icy swim in the Russell Fork River. Each team or solo racer must locate as many of the check points at they can on a map and cannot use a GPS of any kind - only a compass. My goal for my first AR was to not finish last and I even managed to finish fourth overall. This race will push you to your limit and my battered legs are testament to pushing through rhododendron thickets so dense that it was easier to crawl than walk. For those interested, click on the this link to see some pics from my race.

Yamacraw 50K

April 9, 2016 - It was a great day for a trail run at the Yamacraw 50K in Stearns, Kentucky. The course is a little over 52K which was perfect for me as I actually turned 52 during the run. I finished in 6:34 which was a PR for me at this distance. The run takes you past massive arches, waterfalls, rivers and cliffs. Spring has certainly sprung on the Big South Fork as I heard many migrant bird species and saw many wildflowers during the run. Best bird of the day goes to a Bald Eagle sitting on a branch over the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River. The day did not go without mishap as I caught a toe about mile 30 and rolled onto a large flat rock. Luckily there was no major damage and thankfully there was a small tree there to help me get back up on my feet. I would recommend this race to anyone. Here is a link to pictures from the race.

March 20, 2016 - Virginia Creeper Marathon: It was a great morning to be out running at the Virginia Creeper Marathon on this first day of spring. The race is on a beautiful rail-trail with forests, trestles, streams and fields. I had a PR time of 3:44 but slowed down quite a bit after 20 miles (need a little more training). This is a well-run event and I hope to run it again next year.

November 16, 2015 - Rough Trail 50K Trail Run - We had perfect weather for the run - sunny skies and temperatures starting in the 30's and working their way into the 50's during the day. This is a beautiful run but not one to be taken lightly. Make no mistake this run will challenge your knees, ankles and glutes with roots, leaves, rock scrambles, and 10 creek crossings. The aid stations were top notch with Sword hydration and lots of good things to eat along the way. The trail takes you past two natural arches, along a sandstone ridge with cliffs on both sides, up 9 ridge climbs, and over many thousands of toe-grabbing roots along Kentucky's Red River Gorge. This was the first year of this race and I'm already looking forward to next year's race.

October 11, 2015 - Iron Horse Half Marathon - It was a perfect morning for a race at the Iron Horse Half Marathon in Midway, Kentucky. It was my 4th time at the event and my official time was 1:40:00.02 (yes, a 3 one-hundredths of a second faster finish time would have looked way cooler). I came in 3rd in my age division which was a surprise as I struggled a bit on the up hills - still feeling the effects of last weekends Cloudsplitter 50K trail run. As always, this is a sold-out, top-notch event with over 1,400 runners and is always ranked as one of the top half marathons in the country.

October 3, 2015 - Cloudsplitter 50K Trail Run on Pine Mountain at Elkhorn City, Kentucky. The rain and wind made for a challenging day. Congrats go out to Michael Whisman for finishing 2nd overall. I finished in 7:02 and managed a 6th place overall finish in the 50K (and I was also the first over the age of 40 to cross the finish line). This is a very well coordinated event and I look forward to running it again next year.

September 19, 2015 - Bankmule Long Haul Half Marathon - I got to run up Butcher Holler (twice), past Loretta Lynn's homeplace, up to the top of the mountain, and back to historic Van Lear, Kentucky at the Bankmule Long Haul - Half Marathon & 5K . The temps were cool, the weather perfect, and the food at the finish line was top notch. It was a small event and I managed a 2nd place (1:45:35) but I expect once the word gets out this will be a much larger event in the future. Proceeds help to support the Van Lear Historical Society and their amazing museum there in town. I hope to run this half again next year.

September 12, 2015 - This was my first time running the Rugged Red Half Marathon in Kentucky's Red River Gorge. It was a very challenging run with several big climbs and single track trails. The weather cooperated with cooler temps and a light rain. I managed to turn my ankle about 4 miles into the run and I don't think it slowed me down too much during the run it sure did swell up and turn blue the next day. I finished in 2:31 which was good enough for 4th out of 31 in my age division. This was a big time event with probably 450 runners or so. Hopefully I'll get to run this one again next year.

August 8, 2015 - Kanawha Trace 50K - The fog held on for an hour or so on race day and then the sun came out and made for a long hot run. This was my first time at this race and only my second 50K trail run. I was glad to see the finish line (and Mom and Dad drove up from Grundy, VA and surprised me at the finish). This was a well coordinated race and I hope to run it again next year. I even managed to come in first in my age division with a time of 6:59. Lots of climbs but this is a very run-able course it the temperatures cooperate. I'd like to try this one again when I get in better shape.

June 13, 2015 - This has to have been one of the hottest races (temperature wise) that I have ever ran. The half marathon started at 7:00 a.m. and it was already pushing 80 degrees. With no cloud cover it got hot and stayed hot for the run. I think most people said their times were 8 to 12 minutes over what they expected. But other than the heat, humidity and hill it was a great and well-run race. My time was 1:55 which still got me into the top 5 of my age division. Congrats go out to David Hays for his overall victory in the race. I'll probably be running this one again next year.

May 16, 2015 - Did not get in a lot of training for this marathon but got a PR nonetheless. My time was 4:12:50 which is not great but did manage to get me a Top 10 finish in my age group. We had three big rain storms during the marathon and my Sansa Clip MP3 fried itself during the first rain. This was a great race over a rolling course and I hope to come back next year and go under 4 hours.

May 2, 2015 - Enjoyed the Home Run Half Marathon in McKee, Kentucky this morning. Ran a 1:42:32 which got me in the top quarter of the field and 2nd in my age group. Thanks to everyone who made this event possible. Got to add this one to my run schedule for 2016.

April 18, 2015 - Finished my ever first ultra trail run yesterday - the Yamacraw 50K at the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area near Stearns, Kentucky. The scenery along the trail was spectacular with waterfalls, wildflowers, stone arches, and high sandstone cliffs. The recent heavy rains made the trails very muddy - especially the first half of the run. This was a challenging course with stream crossings, rocks and roots, long climbs, etc. but well worth the effort. Spring migratory birds were everywhere and I heard probably 30 different species during the run.

March 29, 2015 - Virginia Creeper Marathon - Had a good start this morning (1:51 first half) but hit the wall hard about 17 miles in and finished with a 4:19. Very cold at start - something in the teens but warmed up nicely during the morning. I don't like excuses but I'm thinking too soon after RJ Corman 10 miler, and of course not enough miles in training. I'll call this a 17 mile training run with a 8 mile jog/walk recovery. Needed a little pain to prep for the Yamacraw 50K in a few weeks - going to be a lot of walking on that one also I'm afraid. The main thing is that I had fun and it was a beautiful run along an old railroad bed.

March 21, 2015 - Ran my first RJ Corman RailRunner 10 Miler at Nicholasville, KY. The weather was perfect for running and I managed a 1:15:47 (7:34 min/mile). I also scored a UK Blue rail spike for getting 2nd in my age division (Go Cats!). This a great event and I hope to run it again next year. Lots of great food at the finish that included hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, homemade ice cream and other goodies. Thanks go out to Bob Baney and everyone who helped put this race on - well done!