Mt Rogers CBC - 2003

Birding Below Zero and Above 5,000:

Bob Riggs and Ed and Michelle Talbott did some "extreme birding" today (Jan. 4th) during the Mt. Rogers Christmas Bird Count. The birds were few and far between above 5000' - especially with temperatures somewhere below zero. We did manage to find a couple of Ravens, a Crow or two, and one very lonely Black-capped Chickadee near the top. During the first part of the hike the mountaintop was covered in low clouds but then around noon the clouds lifted and revealed some spectacular winter scenery. It was one of those rare moments that one never forgets.

After reaching the summit around 2:00 p.m. we made our way back to the Elk Garden Gap parking lot. The thermometer on the information stand read a couple degrees below zero and it certainly felt like it. We didn't find many birds but somehow I don't think I'll be forgetting this CBC anytime soon.