Library lessons so far this year...

Post date: Sep 29, 2015 5:55:23 AM

This year I am placing even more explicit emphasis (than in past years) on the freedom of choice, reading rights, and responsibilities that are associated with libraries.  After all, libraries may be one of the first places a child is exposed to and can exercise and enjoy such freedoms!  

Here is a recap of what we've been covering during library class so far this year:


Kdg, 1st, & 2nd -- Book care and check out procedures

Later on in the year all grades will have lessons in digital citizenship.  1st grade will also do a Caldecott award book study, while 2nd grade will focus on traditional and fractured fairy tales. With all grades, but especially kindergarten, I focus on reading fun stories to spark their interest and love for books!  


3rd -- Orientation to Lincoln library, check out procedures, library organization (learning how the library is like a city of books and each book has its own address, or "call number"), and Tim Green research.  We will then learn how to search for books using the online catalog.  

4th -- Getting used to new check out procedures (this year students get to scan their own shelf-markers and books at a checkout station, freeing me up--somewhat--to better help students locate books that suit their interests and requests! The kids LOVE this new responsibility and getting to scan their own items!), library organization review, Tim Green research

5th & 6th -- I only get to see these kiddos once every two weeks, so time with them is that much more precious! They have also been getting used to the new check out procedures, reviewing library organization, and beginning research on Tim Green!

We will also investigate digital citizenship and other research projects this year in the Lincoln Center library.  I look forward to the collaboration and digital creations that lie ahead!