Trevor Atkinson
December 3, 1932 – April 1, 2015 Long time Stockton Astronomical Society Editor and past-President Trevor Atkinson died April 1st from complications following heart valve surgery. He was 82 years old. Trevor came from England in the late 50s and lived in Napa, CA for many years as a commercial real estate appraiser. He came to Stockton in the 70s and has been in the Stockton Astronomical Society ever since. He has been President and Editor for the club, but is most remembered for his tenure as editor, which he served as for about 20 years. His newsletter, The Valley Skies, has always been a professionally produced product taking thousands of hours over the years from his already involved life. His collaboration with the San Joaquin Delta College Print Shop and other SJDC departments enabled Trevor to produce an excellent newsletter. His pTrevor Atkinsonerfection of writing, graceful choice of words, sense of humor, enthusiasm for astronomy, and his ability to draw talent from the club and elsewhere to contribute to the newsletter made it one of the finest in the region.
In the 1990s, under the presidency of Ed Rible, Trevor participated in the re-write of our bylaws and policies. This huge undertaking has lasted since and is still currently that under which we operate.
Trevor participated in the telescope-making workshop with the SAS and manufactured his own 6” f/8 telescope mirror. His optic of choice however was an old orange Celestron C-8 which he brought to the SAS star parties and docent events. Trevor also was one of the Delta College’s planetarium projectionists and performed dozens of programs for the public and the SAS.
Trevor played the bagpipes, drums, piano and probably many other instruments. He was always tapping some drum line with his hands on the steering wheel as he drove his car. He was a member of the Stockton Symphony Association.
Trevor spoke with well-chosen deliberate words with an English accent that commanded attention from everybody. After nearly 60 years in America, he still had his Manchester accent.
Trevor lost his daughter in the early 60s and his first wife, Kathy, in the mid 90s. He is survived by his wife Rosemary, son Stuart, and grandchildren Skyler and Lily. Trevor will be remembered forever by those who knew him, and hopefully through some form of memorial by those in the future who did not get to meet the great Trevor Atkinson.
Jeff Baldwin
Stockton Astronomical Society