1997 workshop
AANC and Lawrence Hall of Scienceare please to announceA ONE-DAY WORKSHOP:Comets and CrashesSaturday, March 22, 1997 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.at Lawrence Hall of Science, U.C. BerkeleyFeaturing:
- Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Morrison of NASA Ames Research Center on "Target Earth--the Hazards of Cosmic Catastrophes"
- Comet expert, Don Machholz "Finding Your Own Comet!"
- Jose Olivarez of Chabot Observatory on "Tips for Comet Watchers"
- Alan Gould of Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) on "Hunt for Comets on the Internet" Participants will have access to the LHS Computer Lab to try out this form of comet hunting.
- Scott Sandford of NASA on "Project Stardust--NASA's Comet Sample Return Mission"
- Conrad Jung on "Photographing a Comet"
- John Hewitt of LHS on "Comets in the Classroom" observe the LHS comet in the specially sky-darkened auditorium/planetarium.
- Bruce Fauke, UCB--Walter Alvarez' Working Group on the K/T Impact "A Fiery Rain from the Yucatan Crash"
- Nancy Kassover, Happy Valley School, "Comet Hale-Bopp for Kids"
- Shayna Stannis, Music Teacher, "Postcards from the Past--Great Comets and Old Telescopes"
- Door prizes
- LHS Star Party on Plaza (Weather permitting)
Bring your comet photos and slides to show others!!!
Tentative Schedule
Morning Session
8:00 - 8:30 Registration
8:30 Welcome
8:35 "Comets in the Classroom" - John Hewitt, Lawrence Hall of Science
8:55 "Target Earth-the Hazards of Cosmic Catastrophes" - Dr. David Morrison, NASA Ames Research Center
9:55 BREAK
10:30 "Hunting Comets on the Internet" - Alan Gould, Lawrence Hall of Science
11:00 "Comet Hale-Bopp for Kids" - Nancy Kassover, Happy Valley School
11:30 "Postcards From the Past - Great Comets and Old Telescopes" - Shayna Stanis, Music teacher
Afternoon Session
12:00 Lunch/Computer lab open to AANC conferees - 12:15 - 12:55 Eclipse and Comet Photos
1:00 "Finding Your Own Comet" - Don Machholz
1:45 "Tips for Comet Watchers" - Jose' Olivarez, Chabot Observatory and Science Center
2:30 "Photographing a Comet" - Conrad Jung, Chabot Observatory & Paul Mortfield, the Backyard Astronomer, KPIX-TV
3:15 Break
3:35 "A Fiery Rain From the Yucatan Crash" - Bruce Fouke, UCB- Walter Alverez' Working Group on the K-T Impact
4:20 "Project STARDUST-NASA's Comet Sample Return Mission" - Scott Sandford, NASA
5:05 - Door Prizes
Evening Stargazing on LHS plaza, weather permitting
Prior to 12 March, to register for $20, print out the
AANC Workshop 97 Registration Form [below]
Otherwise, after March 12, register for $25 at the door, if space available.
AANC Comets and Crashes Workshop
registration form
Please send your remittance payable to "AANC" to: Don Stone
5119B Ray Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94546-2511
Preregistration cost: $20 prior to 12 March, $25 at the door, if space available. Optional lunch $6 If you wish confirmation and a map to Lawrence Hall of Science, please enclose a SASE. Name(s): Address:
Phone (___)_______________ Attendees: _______ X $20 =
Club (If applicable):
Optional Lunch-Your choice of sandwich & drink;
includes potato salad & cookie
CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE(S) for each lunch. No._____ X $6 =
Roast Beef / Turkey / Tuna / Veggie
Coke / Diet Coke / Sprite / Berry Calistoga
Total enclosed: $_____________