The Ultimate Guide For Staying Fit

Rithwik Chandra Medikonduri

Greetings everyone, my name is Rithwik Medikonduri and I am from MYP 5A. The product which I will be aiming to create for this project is going to be a online journal and website which is going to aimed for healthy/overweight people which is going to be include my own personal fitness journey, my own thoughts about how it feels going through tremendous amounts of discipline and hardwork to reach at a point where you would be feel a little more confident about your own body. The reason I chose this topic is because one day I was just looking in my mirror and just did not feel good about myself and started losing all my confidence in myself because of the way I looked, I just was really disappointed in myself.

Then later on realized that personal project would be a perfect way to implement a weight loss journey and document how I did it as my product. Since then I have been on my journey to where I feel confident in myself and improve my personality traits. One more major factor affecting my decision to carry on with my project was my career choice. As I aspire to be a physiotherapist, I thought about how to bring in some biology into this project by bringing in the musculoskeletal system which basically is a part of the human body that allows us to move, maintain our shape, and support ourselves. After realizing I can use the musculoskeletal system for this project, I thought how? Then I extensively thought about how I could use it for my project.

In some time I got a really good idea, which was what if I document and give knowledge to the people about what and how are the muscles used in the particular exercises I will be doing to lose weight throughout this whole fitness journey. After I got this idea I thought about if it was a good idea, whether I would be able to achieve it or not etc. Later on I came to a conclusion that it was a good idea which was worthy enough to be chosen as my personal project topic and product, and will continue on working towards it.

Personal project presentation with product(RITHWIK MEDIKONDURI).pdf


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