How the Human Brain Works

Arnav Tandon

I am Arnav Tandon, an MYP 5 student at Sreenidhi International School. One thing that I believe is unique to me is that I refuse to stick with popular opinions. Whenever I hear of any current affairs, I try my best to analyse the situation properly and form my opinion on it. That is not to say that I do not agree with any popular opinions. I try to think of situations in my way, whether that be popular, unpopular or completely unheard of.

My Personal Project is related to philosophy and the major reasons behind people accepting a certain philosophy. I have had a great interest in philosophy and its history since the 7th grade, watching youtube videos, documentaries, and reading articles about philosophy. I try to deeply question the message that every movie tries to spread and sometimes overthink the choices I should make while taking my character through the story of a role-playing game. I immediately thought of philosophy as the perfect idea for my personal project since I would get to learn a lot about it while sharing my knowledge with my audience.

I have developed my research skills, self-management skills, as well as my critical thinking skills while working on this project. Due to the unavailability and lack of interest from primary sources, I had to dig deep and find all possible information I could from secondary sources. Despite failing to meet a couple of deadlines, I managed to pull through in the end and submit the necessary work. The main portion of my website was focused on using my critical thinking skills. I had to use all my research and come to appropriate conclusions as to the reason that multiple philosophies became popular.

My personal project.pdf


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