Building A PC

Vansh Lohia

I would describe myself as an energetic and enthusiastic student, while being a genuine and truthful friend. When it comes to my curiosity and wanting to be more knowledgeable in a certain field of study, I ensure that I'm passionate and ambitious towards having a thorough understanding about the particular activity that I'm curious about. My avocations include producing and making music, analysing statistics related to the sport of basketball as well as playing the sport, designing various products, rendering of interior floor plans, making new recipes, cooking food and playing competitive games on a ranked level. I also like to keep myself updated with the ongoing consumer tech and newly released hip hop albums. My skill sets include deliberate and cognitive creativity, event planning, computer literacy in specific programs and apps, while being able to multitask.

The reason as to why I have chosen this as my project is being able to further proceed with my passion of rendering interior floor plans and designing products, while being able to participate in competitive games on a higher advantage with a better working system. The previous resource being used had not been able to meet my current requirements, in order to proceed with my passion and to take it up a notch. While also having computer literacy and wanting to keep myself updated with the ongoing consumer tech, having an opportunity to design and assemble a custom computer by myself sounded quite astonishing to me.

While being able to do so, I was also able to elevate the degree of my passion when it came to what my previous resource was capable of handling, versus the magnitude of tasks I'm able to do via the new system I have designed and assembled. This journey has not only made me more curious about the huge spectrum of designing and assembling computers, but has indeed allowed me to focus on my passion and my avocations to a higher extent.

My learning goal was set to ensure I get to know how to build a pc, while knowing how to enable various softwares required for it to work, while not having an impact on the basic input/output system. To be able to configure all the components according to my needs.

This product should be able to meet my daily requirements when it comes to functions such as ethereum mining, 4K video editing, 3D graphics rendering for design projects and further machine learning while being able to overclock the central and graphics processing unit.

Computer With A Graphics Processing Unit.pdf


Product Video.mp4


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