
G. Nidhi Sharmishta Reddy

Hello everyone,

I'm Nidhi Reddy and for my personal project I decided to do something related to dance and mental health. This project is special to me because dance is one of my favorite abilities and has helped me get through many difficult days over the years. It became my passion six years ago, and it allowed me to clear my thoughts and communicate my feelings. I hope to promote awareness about this talent and its capacity to assist individuals deal with a variety of mental health conditions through this initiative. I also view this as a chance to improve my technique and have a better understanding of dance as a whole. While working on my project I’ve developed many skills such as research, thinking and self-management. I’ve developed my research skills by interpreting, judging and then creating information produced on the website and also by interacting with the media to create ideas and information. I’ve developed my thinking skills with generating new ideas and thoughts and also while transferring data by paraphrasing it and understanding it. I developed self-management skills when I wasn’t able to finish tasks on time as it helped me reflect on the issue and later fix it to meet the deadlines given. Although I wasn’t able to properly organize my time I was able to reflect back and later organize it in order to meet the deadlines given. I feel like improvements could have been made in my product but it was the best I could produce. Maybe doing more research would have made my product better.



Untitled design.mp4


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