Healthy Baking

Sahas Enjamuri

I definitely have a lot of interest in foods I like eating and even cooking and I love to bake also. And that is my personal interest and I always have interest in these food areas as in my family we all cook a lot and we love to cook also and that's where I gained this interest. Then about healthy food, we all had a diet apart from my brother and then I went on a diet where I don't eat any unhealthy snacks and I lost around 6 kgs in that period. And there I learned how much fat and unhealthy snacks they hold and how much weight you gain and how unhealthy it's for you.

Goals- Learning Goal: I wanted to learn how to make foods healthier without any taste difference. I wanted to make foods that are unhealthy better by reducing a few things and adding fewer things.

Product Goal: My product is to make food like a dessert which has sugar and butter. I will add substitutes that are better than them like instead of sugar I can use brown sugar or jaggery. And instead of butter, I can use unsalted butter, so that I can make the food healthier that is my product goal.

For many years kids and adults/people of all ages these days are getting worried about their health and when people get told they can't eat sweets that often so to help that I will add some different substances like jaggery instead of sugar and etc to make it better and healthier and will taste good also. And sweets contain a lot of sugar which is not good for health so that's why jaggery is better. Personal interest- Research, provide statistics to show how severe the issue is in India and other parts of the world. health and wellbeing also come here as I am trying to find out a different way to make foods healthier. And I am trying to make people eat healthier for their health.

Healthy baking-.pdf




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