The Universe and Beyond

Siddharth Manne

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars,” Said Oscar Wilde. We once looked up at the stars and thought of the countless possibilities of life, civilization, and planets beyond our home here on Earth. But as our home becomes more plagued with issues, many of us have moved our eyes back down to the problems that we face today, something that is essential, but has created bitterness towards those who still look up at the stars. Our universe is full of wonders, unimaginable phenomena, and a plethora of possibilities for humanity. Space Exploration isn’t about leaving Earth behind, or searching for a replacement, but rather feeding into an instinct that we’ve had since the dawn of time - the need to explore and discover, seeking to understand our place in the universe.

Hi! I’m Siddharth Manne, and my project is about exploring The Universe and Beyond. For as long as I can remember, astrophysics and space has fascinated me, pushing me to create a book about the subject, with topics varying from the birth & death of stars and galaxies to planets, space travel, black holes and more.

I wanted to create something that inspired and impacted my audience, fostering curiosity and interest about our place in the universe. To reach a global audience, I published my book on Kindle, bringing it into the hands of millions across the world. The 60-page book gives beginners an introduction into the world of astrophysics, and writing it allowed me to discover new ways to communicate my ideas and thoughts, while interacting with various people and learning how to research more efficiently.

Throughout the journey, I learned how to persevere through the multiple challenges and difficulties I faced, while evolving as a learner and developing a deeper personal understanding of the subject. Please look through my presentation and video, and feel free to visit the live link!

Presentation - Drive Upload


The Universe and beyond.mp4


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