
Palak Agarwal

Hello there, my name is Palak Agarwal, and the topic I chose to explore is eco-fashion or sustainable fashion, as fashion has always fascinated me growing up. In our world, the global fashion industry emits an immense amount of greenhouse gasses each year, actively contributing to global warming. Not only that, but it contributes to a variety of issues including exploitation of labor, environmental harm, the use of toxic chemicals & waste, and mistreatment of animals.

Eco-fashion allows us to address the issues observed with the fashion industry and how it operates by focusing on transparency and accountability, using natural resources, keeping an account of the emissions and waste generated during the production progress, locating where the clothing are sourced and protecting & providing the workers rights. Eco fashion allows the fashion industry to gain momentum into developing environmentally friendly clothing by following the steps mentioned above.

My product is a website and sustainable clothing. I've designed 3 pieces of sustainable clothing and a website that explores the importance of eco-fashion, environmental, political and social factors that are affected by fashion and provides sustainable solutions for the following. I hope, through my project, I will be able to contribute to a more aware society about eco-fashion, and why it is the better option.

personal project 2022.pdf


Personal project


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