Food Around the World

Onika Unnam Antharmika

Hi, my name is Onika Antarmika Unnam and I am a MYP 5 student. I am a new student at Sreenidhi; this is my first year. My hobbies are drawing, reading, and swinging. Art is my favorite pastime thing to do. I have always loved being in my art class. Though I like art, I also enjoy cooking and baking many delicacies. My project is about the different styles and varieties of cuisine and how they formed.

My product is a website about food's impact on culture. It talks about the influence that culture has on food. I selected five different countries and researched their history and culture to see how it connects to the food they eat. I chose a recipe from each country's cuisine and cooked the dish. Each course on the website has a special connection to the country and its culture.

Throughout the process of my product, I faced many challenges to achieve my goal. Some of the problems were not being able to find the ingredients, the process of cooking the dish, or the technical difficulties that came with building the website. Though the journey was not that easy, I have had a lot of fun creating this website and learning about the different foods. I hope that everyone who enjoys eating various foods should involve themselves in the process of making it.

Personal Project - Presenation
