Religious Education

Year 9

The Year 9 programme introduces learners to the six strands of the Anglican Schools' Curriculum. These are: The Bible and Jesus; Christian Doctrine and Worship; Church History; World Religions; Ethics, Morals and Values; and Personal Faith and Philosophical Issues.

This is done through a focus on the themes of: “My Story, Our Story, Her Story, God's Story.” The idea of “Story” will be a key motif throughout the Y9-13 RE programme. While the World Religions strand is introduced in Years 9 & 10, there is no explicit focus on this topic until Years 11 & 12.

In Year 9 each class begins with silent, private journaling as a spiritual practice - this will be done throughout the learners' time at St Hilda's and all journals will be returned to the student in Y13 when they have the opportunity to reflect on their journey through their time here.

Course Focus 

Course contribution $15  indicative amount, may be subject to change.
