Undulating Grounds
Prarthna Shah

Site Observation

Observing through the lenses of volumes,  heights and scales of elements, the landscape of the site varies in terms of these elements. Varied heights of compound wall offering different degree of publicness and interaction, shops creating layers of surfaces to display/ work, low seating which almost the touch the ground, while the heights of trees create specific volumes and experience of the space.

Design - Concept and Strategies

Steps crafting dradual increase in volumes of spaces, where initial plinths form hawking space

Forming double height spaces and balconies which overlook from one program onto another

Floor plates shift in plan, which increase the reach of daylight to each space

Creating variations in plinth through steps which allows for free movement 

Distinct heights of each shop, to generate a sense a ownership

Steps connecting ground planes, facilitate vertical interaction

Variations in plinths created which afford multiple inhabitations 

Programme Zoning

Design Process

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Process Models

Design Strategies

Plinths forming a terrain

One plane leading to another

Plinths forming nursery and walkways in between

Low height seating around trees

Storage spaces formed beneath steps

Design Diagram

Diagram highlighting plinths and undulations of ground, which form a continuous scape

Design  Drawings

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Hawking Space, Shops, Community Hall

Nursery, Baalwadi, Play Area, Gymkhana