Building Extensions
Swara Chavan

Site Observations

 Backyard space - Extended Kitchen 

 Front space - Extended Office 

 Extensions of Building - Washing Space 

Extensions of Building - Weekly Market 

Extensions on Site
On the site, the extensions from/of a building, structure, walls, etc were a prominent observation. Further analysis, led to a nuanced understanding that these allowed a transformation of a formal space into an informal space accommodating various combinations of different programs, thus changing the nature and experience of space. A 

mechanical delayering of the extended spaces was done to understand the relationship between the permanent built and temporal unbuilt space. The formwork of these was supported on/from the existing and further rested on a built wall or supports that meet the ground. This base analysis was further explored spatially into the design. 

The idea of extensions was taken forward by having parts of roof retracting out to create different spaces underneath it and with the adjoining programs. Here, the 

possibility of retracting of roof and slab with various factors of splitting and its movement were explored as an initial entry point. 

01 Single height volume

02 Double height volume

03 One way splitting of the plane 

04 Two way splitting of the plane 

Evolution of Form
The geometry of cuboid was explored by splitting, adding, subtracting, dividing to form different spatial experience’s specific to the different programs. 

Network of Modules

Network of Modules with Extensions

Conceptual Models

A grid was imagined above the conceptual form to regularize the tracks and the movement of retraction in parallel directions. On the right, they extend outside the built program space and on the left they add on to a program space. The movements of roof were formed, restricted and curated by the built spaces and 

their nature and the landscape elements such as roads, trees, compound walls, etc. Building elements such as railing, parapet, plinths, fenestration, etc contribute to the permanent building extensions.

Building Extensions
The built-form extends into permanent extensions in form of seats, railings and chaja not only in materialistic way but also increases the affordances to provide pause points, leisure space and safety. The temporal extensions allows transformations of spaces through human interventions as its larger intent. These makes the form of building dynamic in nature as it changes with space and time.

The unit built for the community challenges the idea of a building having certain stakeholders after it is completed. Thus transferring the power to the community itself which allows generation of belonging and feeling of home by having operable extension 

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan



Roof Plan - Closed Extensions

Roof Plan - Open Extensions

Spatial Views

Extended space outside Temple

Hawking Space