Building As A Cabinet
Heeya Mashru

Site Observations

The site located in the Bimbisar nagar, Goregaon is a transit building area. This temporary housing project gave rise to the temporary shops and spaces that open up during the day to create transactions with the surroundings. The shops here are usually not a room, but rather cabinets or stationary vehicles become the storage space and the shop itself. Another observation was that some of the spaces had an intermediate with the surrounding, that created a pause or a rest space. Also the usage of public properties was a common scene.

Design Question

Through the problems of space restrictions and congestion, how does the form of a building address these issues? How does a building open up as a cabinet to afford multiple transactions with the surroundings? How does it close when not in use to create extra room for transition through the space?

Spatial Intent

Through the observations from the existing site, the idea of building as a cabinet is derived which is taken forward through creating brackets acting as programme spaces for visual connection and spatial connectivity throughout the site. It also helped in creating a free flowing space that increases the efficiency in movement through the site. These brackets afford transactions with one another as they open up to other programme spaces around.

Also at some spaces the walls open up to become shops facing the adjacent road to create transactions with it, which also increases space functionality as it closes to create alleys for transitions.

Site Forces And Programme Diagram

Design Development

Site Plan With Roof Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Section AA' And Elevation AA'

Section AA' And Elevation AA'