Expansion as Space 

Rishab Debnath

Site observations

The first that stood out was how the people residing in the Mhada colony had extended their windows to create extra space due to the shortage of space in the government-built houses. these extensions allowed the in leak into the out but in a controlled manner. 

These extended spaces were customised according to what program it would hold such as a small nursery, a study space, a resting space, or just a leisure space to clean vegetables or to dry clothes and store stuff.

Some of these extended spaces also became

a social space where the short gossips take place

with passing by people.

Similarly, the shops in the neighborhood had extensions that allowed a continuum through the threshold that dissolves the boundary.

Mainly these thresholds are extended by the merging of two shapes. This idea is then taken ahead as a start to the design concept

Design intent and question 

From the observation of how an extension creates a space while blurring and dissolving the boundary, I came up with a few ideations based on how it was taking place on-site. The idea of the expansion of the threshold then further inclined to the idea of merging shapes that would

create different spaces

Through several iterations, I tried to strategise on how different geometric shapes would merge to create spaces that are attached to another mass.

After a few iterative models, I tried to see how the idea of expansion fit

for larger spaces which then led me to the idea of merging in an angle that also allowed me to have a primary and a secondary grid. Through aggravating the merging process the expansions of the threshold then arrived to create bigger spaces that can hold various programs

Site context / Roof plan 

Ground floor plan

First floor plan


